

Transforming Data Using Pipes

管道用来对字符串、货币金额、日期和其他显示数据进行转换和格式化。管道是一些简单的函数,可以在模板表达式中用来接受输入值并返回一个转换后的值。例如,你可以使用一个管道把日期显示为 1988 年 4 月 15 日,而不是其原始字符串格式。

Use pipes to transform strings, currency amounts, dates, and other data for display. Pipes are simple functions you can use in template expressions to accept an input value and return a transformed value. Pipes are useful because you can use them throughout your application, while only declaring each pipe once. For example, you would use a pipe to show a date as April 15, 1988 rather than the raw string format.

本主题中使用的范例应用,参阅现场演练 / 下载范例

For the sample app used in this topic, see the现场演练 / 下载范例.

Angular 为典型的数据转换提供了内置的管道,包括国际化的转换(i18n),它使用本地化信息来格式化数据。数据格式化常用的内置管道如下:

Angular provides built-in pipes for typical data transformations, including transformations for internationalization (i18n), which use locale information to format data. The following are commonly used built-in pipes for data formatting:

  • DatePipe:根据本地环境中的规则格式化日期值。

    DatePipe: Formats a date value according to locale rules.

  • UpperCasePipe:把文本全部转换成大写。

    UpperCasePipe: Transforms text to all upper case.

  • LowerCasePipe:把文本全部转换成小写。

    LowerCasePipe: Transforms text to all lower case.

  • CurrencyPipe:把数字转换成货币字符串,根据本地环境中的规则进行格式化。

    CurrencyPipe: Transforms a number to a currency string, formatted according to locale rules.

  • DecimalPipe:把数字转换成带小数点的字符串,根据本地环境中的规则进行格式化。

    DecimalPipe: Transforms a number into a string with a decimal point, formatted according to locale rules.

  • PercentPipe:把数字转换成百分比字符串,根据本地环境中的规则进行格式化。

    PercentPipe: Transforms a number to a percentage string, formatted according to locale rules.


You can also create pipes to encapsulate custom transformations and use your custom pipes in template expressions.




To use pipes you should have a basic understanding of the following:


Using a pipe in a template

要应用管道,请如下所示在模板表达式中使用管道操作符(|),紧接着是该管道的名字,对于内置的 DatePipe它的名字是 date 。这个例子中的显示如下:

To apply a pipe, use the pipe operator (|) within a template expression as shown in the following code example, along with the name of the pipe, which is date for the built-in DatePipe. The tabs in the example show the following:

  • app.component.html 在另一个单独的模板中使用 date 来显示生日。

    app.component.html uses date in a separate template to display a birthday.

  • hero-birthday1.component.ts 使用相同的管道作为组件内嵌模板的一部分,同时该组件也会设置生日值。

    hero-birthday1.component.ts uses the same pipe as part of an in-line template in a component that also sets the birthday value.

      <p>The hero's birthday is {{ birthday | date }}</p>

该组件的 birthday 值通过管道操作符(|)流向 date函数。

The component's birthday value flows through the pipe operator, | to the datefunction.


Transforming data with parameters and chained pipes

可以用可选参数微调管道的输出。例如,你可以使用 CurrencyPipe和国家代码(如 EUR)作为参数。模板表达式 {{ amount | currency:'EUR' }} 会把 amount 转换成欧元。紧跟在管道名称( currency )后面的是冒号(:)和参数值('EUR')。

Use optional parameters to fine-tune a pipe's output. For example, you can use the CurrencyPipewith a country code such as EUR as a parameter. The template expression {{ amount | currency:'EUR' }} transforms the amount to currency in euros. Follow the pipe name (currency) with a colon (:) and the parameter value ('EUR').

如果管道能接受多个参数,就用冒号分隔这些值。例如,{{ amount | currency:'EUR':'Euros '}} 会把第二个参数(字符串 'Euros ')添加到输出字符串中。你可以使用任何有效的模板表达式作为参数,比如字符串字面量或组件的属性。

If the pipe accepts multiple parameters, separate the values with colons. For example, {{ amount | currency:'EUR':'Euros '}} adds the second parameter, the string literal 'Euros ', to the output string. You can use any valid template expression as a parameter, such as a string literal or a component property.

有些管道需要至少一个参数,并且允许使用更多的可选参数,比如 SlicePipe。例如, {{ slice:1:5 }} 会创建一个新数组或字符串,它以第 1 个元素开头,并以第 5 个元素结尾。

Some pipes require at least one parameter and allow more optional parameters, such as SlicePipe. For example, {{ slice:1:5 }} creates a new array or string containing a subset of the elements starting with element 1 and ending with element 5.


Example: Formatting a date


The tabs in the following example demonstrates toggling between two different formats ('shortDate' and 'fullDate'):

  • app.component.html 模板使用 DatePipe(名为 date)的格式参数把日期显示为 04/15/88

    The app.component.html template uses a format parameter for the DatePipe(named date) to show the date as 04/15/88.

  • hero-birthday2.component.ts 组件把该管道的 format 参数绑定到 template 中组件的 format 属性,并添加了一个按钮,其 click 事件绑定到了该组件的 toggleFormat() 方法。

    The hero-birthday2.component.ts component binds the pipe's format parameter to the component's format property in the template section, and adds a button for a click event bound to the component's toggleFormat() method.

  • hero-birthday2.component.ts 组件的 toggleFormat() 方法会在短格式('shortDate')和长格式('fullDate')之间切换该组件的 format 属性。

    The hero-birthday2.component.ts component's toggleFormat() method toggles the component's format property between a short form ('shortDate') and a longer form ('fullDate').

      <p>The hero's birthday is {{ birthday | date:"MM/dd/yy" }} </p>

点击 Toggle Format 按钮可以在 04/15/1988Friday, April 15, 1988 之间切换日期格式,如图 1 所示。

Clicking the Toggle Format button alternates the date format between 04/15/1988 and Friday, April 15, 1988 as shown in Figure 1.

图 1. 单击该按钮切换日期格式

Figure 1. Clicking the button toggles the date format

关于 date 管道的格式选项,参阅 DatePipe

For date pipe format options, see DatePipe.


Example: Applying two formats by chaining pipes


You can chain pipes so that the output of one pipe becomes the input to the next.

在下面的范例中,串联管道首先将格式应用于一个日期值,然后将格式化之后的日期转换为大写字符。 src/app/app.component.html 模板的第一个标签页把 DatePipeUpperCasePipe 的串联起来,将其显示为 APR 15, 1988src/app/app.component.html 模板的第二个标签页在串联 uppercase 之前,还把 fullDate 参数传给了 date,将其显示为 FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1988

In the following example, chained pipes first apply a format to a date value, then convert the formatted date to uppercase characters. The first tab for the src/app/app.component.html template chains DatePipe and UpperCasePipe to display the birthday as APR 15, 1988. The second tab for the src/app/app.component.html template passes the fullDate parameter to date before chaining to uppercase, which produces FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1988.

      The chained hero's birthday is
{{ birthday | date | uppercase}}


Creating pipes for custom data transformations


Create custom pipes to encapsulate transformations that are not provided with the built-in pipes. You can then use your custom pipe in template expressions, the same way you use built-in pipes—to transform input values to output values for display.


Marking a class as a pipe

要把类标记为管道并提供配置元数据,请把 @Pipe装饰器应用到这个类上。管道类名是 UpperCamelCase(类名的一般约定),相应的 name 字符串是 camelCase 的。不要在 name 中使用连字符。详细信息和更多范例,请参阅管道名称

To mark a class as a pipe and supply configuration metadata, apply the @Pipedecorator to the class. Use UpperCamelCase (the general convention for class names) for the pipe class name, and camelCase for the corresponding name string. Do not use hyphens in the name. For details and more examples, see Pipe names.

在模板表达式中使用 name 就像在内置管道中一样。

Use name in template expressions as you would for a built-in pipe.

使用 PipeTransform 接口

Using the PipeTransform interface

在自定义管道类中实现 PipeTransform接口来执行转换。

Implement the PipeTransforminterface in your custom pipe class to perform the transformation.

Angular 调用 transform 方法,该方法使用绑定的值作为第一个参数,把其它任何参数都以列表的形式作为第二个参数,并返回转换后的值。

Angular invokes the transform method with the value of a binding as the first argument, and any parameters as the second argument in list form, and returns the transformed value.


Example: Transforming a value exponentially

在游戏中,你可能希望实现一种指数级转换,以指数级增加英雄的力量。例如,如果英雄的得分是 2,那么英雄的能量会指数级增长 10 次,最终得分为 1024。你可以使用自定义管道进行这种转换。

In a game, you may want to implement a transformation that raises a value exponentially to increase a hero's power. For example, if the hero's score is 2, boosting the hero's power exponentially by 10 produces a score of 1024. You can use a custom pipe for this transformation.


The following code example shows two component definitions:

  • exponential-strength.pipe.ts 通过一个执行转换的 transform 方法定义了一个名为 exponentialStrength 的自定义管道。它为传给管道的参数定义了 transform 方法的一个参数(exponent)。

    The exponential-strength.pipe.ts component defines a custom pipe named exponentialStrength with the transform method that performs the transformation. It defines an argument to the transform method (exponent) for a parameter passed to the pipe.

  • power-booster.component.ts 组件演示了如何使用该管道,指定了一个值( 2 )和一个 exponent 参数( 10 )。输出结果如图 2 所示。

    The power-booster.component.ts component demonstrates how to use the pipe, specifying a value (2) and the exponent parameter (10). Figure 2 shows the output.

      import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
 * Raise the value exponentially
 * Takes an exponent argument that defaults to 1.
 * Usage:
 *   value | exponentialStrength:exponent
 * Example:
 *   {{ 2 | exponentialStrength:10 }}
 *   formats to: 1024
@Pipe({name: 'exponentialStrength'})
export class ExponentialStrengthPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: number, exponent?: number): number {
    return Math.pow(value, isNaN(exponent) ? 1 : exponent);

图 2. exponentialStrength 管道的输出

Figure 2. Output from the exponentialStrength pipe

要检查 exponentialStrength 管道的行为,请查看现场演练 / 下载范例,并在模板中修改值和可选的指数参数。

To examine the behavior the exponentialStrength pipe in the现场演练 / 下载范例, change the value and optional exponent in the template.


Detecting changes with data binding in pipes

你可以通过带有管道的数据绑定来显示值并响应用户操作。如果是原始类型的输入值,比如 StringNumber ,或者是对象引用型的输入值,比如 DateArray ,那么每当 Angular 检测到输入值或引用有变化时,就会执行该输入管道。

You use data binding with a pipe to display values and respond to user actions. If the data is a primitive input value, such as String or Number, or an object reference as input, such as Date or Array, Angular executes the pipe whenever it detects a change for the input value or reference.

比如,你可以修改前面的自定义管道范例,通过 ngModel 的双向绑定来输入数量和提升因子,如下面的代码范例所示。

For example, you could change the previous custom pipe example to use two-way data binding with ngModel to input the amount and boost factor, as shown in the following code example.

      import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-power-boost-calculator',
  template: `
    <h2>Power Boost Calculator</h2>
    <div>Normal power: <input [(ngModel)]="power"></div>
    <div>Boost factor: <input [(ngModel)]="factor"></div>
      Super Hero Power: {{power | exponentialStrength: factor}}
export class PowerBoostCalculatorComponent {
  power = 5;
  factor = 1;

每当用户改变 “normal power” 值或 “boost factor” 时,就会执行 exponentialStrength 管道,如图 3 所示。

The exponentialStrength pipe executes every time the user changes the "normal power" value or the "boost factor", as shown in Figure 3.

图 3. 更改 exponentialStrength 管道的数值和提升因子

Figure 3. Changing the amount and boost factor for the exponentialStrength pipe

Angular 会检测每次变更,并立即运行该管道。对于原始输入值,这很好。但是,如果要在复合对象中更改某些内部值(例如日期中的月份、数组中的元素或对象中的属性),就需要了解变更检测的工作原理,以及如何使用 impure(非纯)管道。

Angular detects each change and immediately runs the pipe. This is fine for primitive input values. However, if you change something inside a composite object (such as the month of a date, an element of an array, or an object property), you need to understand how change detection works, and how to use an impure pipe.


How change detection works

Angular 会在每次 DOM 事件(每次按键、鼠标移动、计时器滴答和服务器响应)之后运行的变更检测过程中查找对数据绑定值的更改。下面这段不使用管道的例子演示了 Angular 如何利用默认的变更检测策略来监控和更新 heroes 数组中每个英雄的显示效果。范例显示如下:

Angular looks for changes to data-bound values in a change detection process that runs after every DOM event: every keystroke, mouse move, timer tick, and server response. The following example, which doesn't use a pipe, demonstrates how Angular uses its default change detection strategy to monitor and update its display of every hero in the heroes array. The example tabs show the following:

  • flying-heroes.component.html (v1) 模板中, *ngFor 会重复显示英雄的名字。

    In the flying-heroes.component.html (v1) template, the *ngFor repeater displays the hero names.

  • 与之相伴的组件类 flying-heroes.component.ts (v1) 提供了一些英雄,把这些英雄添加到数组中,并重置了该数组。

    Its companion component class flying-heroes.component.ts (v1) provides heroes, adds heroes into the array, and resets the array.

      New hero:
  <input type="text" #box
          (keyup.enter)="addHero(box.value); box.value=''"
          placeholder="hero name">
  <button (click)="reset()">Reset</button>
  <div *ngFor="let hero of heroes">

每次用户添加一个英雄时,Angular 都会更新显示内容。如果用户点击了 Reset 按钮,Angular 就会用原来这些英雄组成的新数组来替换 heroes ,并更新显示。如果你添加删除或更改了某个英雄的能力,Angular 也会检测这些变化并更新显示。

Angular updates the display every time the user adds a hero. If the user clicks the Reset button, Angular replaces heroes with a new array of the original heroes and updates the display. If you add the ability to remove or change a hero, Angular would detect those changes and update the display as well.

然而,如果对于每次更改都执行一个管道来更新显示,就会降低你应用的性能。因此,Angular 会使用更快的变更检测算法来执行管道,如下一节所述。

However, executing a pipe to update the display with every change would slow down your app's performance. So Angular uses a faster change-detection algorithm for executing a pipe, as described in the next section.


Detecting pure changes to primitives and object references

通过默认情况下,管道会定义成纯的(pure),这样 Angular 只有在检测到输入值发生了纯变更时才会执行该管道。纯变更是对原始输入值(比如 StringNumberBooleanSymbol )的变更,或是对对象引用的变更(比如 DateArrayFunctionObject)。

By default, pipes are defined as pure so that Angular executes the pipe only when it detects a pure change to the input value. A pure change is either a change to a primitive input value (such as String, Number, Boolean, or Symbol), or a changed object reference (such as Date, Array, Function, or Object).


A pure pipe must use a pure function, which is one that processes inputs and returns values without side effects. In other words, given the same input, a pure function should always return the same output.

使用纯管道,Angular 会忽略复合对象中的变化,例如往现有数组中新增的元素,因为检查原始值或对象引用比对对象中的差异进行深度检查要快得多。Angular 可以快速判断是否可以跳过执行该管道并更新视图。

With a pure pipe, Angular ignores changes within composite objects, such as a newly added element of an existing array, because checking a primitive value or object reference is much faster than performing a deep check for differences within objects. Angular can quickly determine if it can skip executing the pipe and updating the view.

但是,以数组作为输入的纯管道可能无法正常工作。为了演示这个问题,修改前面的例子来把英雄列表过滤成那些会飞的英雄。在 *ngFor 中使用 FlyingHeroesPipe ,代码如下。这个例子的显示如下:

However, a pure pipe with an array as input may not work the way you want. To demonstrate this issue, change the previous example to filter the list of heroes to just those heroes who can fly. Use the FlyingHeroesPipe in the *ngFor repeater as shown in the following code. The tabs for the example show the following:

  • 带有新管道的模板(flying-heroes.component.html (flyers))。

    The template (flying-heroes.component.html (flyers)) with the new pipe.

  • FlyingHeroesPipe 自定义管道实现(flying-heroes.pipe.ts)。

    The FlyingHeroesPipe custom pipe implementation (flying-heroes.pipe.ts).

      <div *ngFor="let hero of (heroes | flyingHeroes)">

该应用现在展示了意想不到的行为:当用户添加了会飞的英雄时,它们都不会出现在 “Heroes who fly” 中。发生这种情况是因为添加英雄的代码会把它 push 到 heroes 数组中:

The app now shows unexpected behavior: When the user adds flying heroes, none of them appear under "Heroes who fly." This happens because the code that adds a hero does so by pushing it onto the heroes array:



The change detector ignores changes to elements of an array, so the pipe doesn't run.

Angular 忽略了被改变的数组元素的原因是对数组的引用没有改变。由于 Angular 认为该数组仍是相同的,所以不会更新其显示。

The reason Angular ignores the changed array element is that the reference to the array hasn't changed. Since the array is the same, Angular does not update the display.

获得所需行为的方法之一是更改对象引用本身。你可以用一个包含新更改过的元素的新数组替换该数组,然后把这个新数组作为输入传给管道。在上面的例子中,你可以创建一个附加了新英雄的数组,并把它赋值给 heroes。 Angular 检测到了这个数组引用的变化,并执行了该管道。

One way to get the behavior you want is to change the object reference itself. You can replace the array with a new array containing the newly changed elements, and then input the new array to the pipe. In the above example, you can create an array with the new hero appended, and assign that to heroes. Angular detects the change in the array reference and executes the pipe.

总结一下,如果修改了输入数组,纯管道就不会执行。如果替换了输入数组,就会执行该管道并更新显示,如图 4 所示。

To summarize, if you mutate the input array, the pure pipe doesn't execute. If you replace the input array, the pipe executes and the display is updated, as shown in Figure 4.

图 4. flyingHeroes 管道把显示过滤为会飞的英雄

Figure 4. The flyingHeroes pipe filtering the display to flying heroes


The above example demonstrates changing a component's code to accommodate a pipe.

为了让你的组件更简单,独立于那些使用管道的 HTML,你可以用一个不纯的管道来检测复合对象(如数组)中的变化,如下一节所述。

To keep your component simpler and independent of HTML templates that use pipes, you can, as an alternative, use an impure pipe to detect changes within composite objects such as arrays, as described in the next section.


Detecting impure changes within composite objects

要在复合对象内部进行更改后执行自定义管道(例如更改数组元素),就需要把管道定义为 impure 以检测非纯的变更。每当按键或鼠标移动时,Angular 都会检测到一次变更,从而执行一个非纯管道。

To execute a custom pipe after a change within a composite object, such as a change to an element of an array, you need to define your pipe as impure to detect impure changes. Angular executes an impure pipe every time it detects a change with every keystroke or mouse movement.


While an impure pipe can be useful, be careful using one. A long-running impure pipe could dramatically slow down your app.

通过把 pure 标志设置为 false 来把管道设置成非纯的:

Make a pipe impure by setting its pure flag to false:

  name: 'flyingHeroesImpure',
  pure: false

下面的代码显示了 FlyingHeroesImpurePipe 的完整实现,它扩展了 FlyingHeroesPipe 以继承其特性。这个例子表明你不需要修改其他任何东西 - 唯一的区别就是在管道元数据中把 pure 标志设置为 false

The following code shows the complete implementation of FlyingHeroesImpurePipe, which extends FlyingHeroesPipe to inherit its characteristics. The example shows that you don't have to change anything else—the only difference is setting the pure flag as false in the pipe metadata.

  name: 'flyingHeroesImpure',
  pure: false
export class FlyingHeroesImpurePipe extends FlyingHeroesPipe {}

对于非纯管道,FlyingHeroesImpurePipe 是个不错的选择,因为它的 transform 函数非常简单快捷:

FlyingHeroesImpurePipe is a good candidate for an impure pipe because the transform function is trivial and fast:

src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts (filter)
      return allHeroes.filter(hero => hero.canFly);

你可以从 FlyingHeroesComponent 派生一个 FlyingHeroesImpureComponent。如下面的代码所示,只有模板中的管道发生了变化。

You can derive a FlyingHeroesImpureComponent from FlyingHeroesComponent. As shown in the code below, only the pipe in the template changes.

src/app/flying-heroes-impure.component.html (excerpt)
      <div *ngFor="let hero of (heroes | flyingHeroesImpure)">

要想确认是否在用户添加英雄时更新了显示,请参阅现场演练 / 下载范例

To confirm that the display updates as the user adds heroes, see the现场演练 / 下载范例.


Unwrapping data from an observable


Observables let you pass messages between parts of your application. Observables are recommended for event handling, asynchronous programming, and handling multiple values. Observables can deliver single or multiple values of any type, either synchronously (as a function delivers a value to its caller) or asynchronously on a schedule.


For details and examples of observables, see the Observables Overview.

使用内置的 AsyncPipe接受一个可观察对象作为输入,并自动订阅输入。如果没有这个管道,你的组件代码就必须订阅这个可观察对象来使用它的值,提取已解析的值、把它们公开进行绑定,并在销毁这段可观察对象时取消订阅,以防止内存泄漏。 AsyncPipe 是一个非纯管道,可以节省组件中的样板代码,以维护订阅,并在数据到达时持续从该可观察对象中提供值。

Use the built-in AsyncPipeto accept an observable as input and subscribe to the input automatically. Without this pipe, your component code would have to subscribe to the observable to consume its values, extract the resolved values, expose them for binding, and unsubscribe when the observable is destroyed in order to prevent memory leaks. AsyncPipe is an impure pipe that saves boilerplate code in your component to maintain the subscription and keep delivering values from that observable as they arrive.

下列代码范例使用 async 管道将带有消息字符串( message$ )的可观察对象绑定到视图中。

The following code example binds an observable of message strings (message$) to a view with the async pipe.

      import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Observable, interval } from 'rxjs';
import { map, take } from 'rxjs/operators';

  selector: 'app-hero-message',
  template: `
    <h2>Async Hero Message and AsyncPipe</h2>
    <p>Message: {{ message$ | async }}</p>
    <button (click)="resend()">Resend</button>`,
export class HeroAsyncMessageComponent {
  message$: Observable<string>;

  private messages = [
    'You are my hero!',
    'You are the best hero!',
    'Will you be my hero?'

  constructor() { this.resend(); }

  resend() {
    this.message$ = interval(500).pipe(
      map(i => this.messages[i]),

缓存 HTTP 请求

Caching HTTP requests

为了使用 HTTP 与后端服务进行通信HttpClient 服务使用了可观察对象,并提供了 HttpClient.get() 方法来从服务器获取数据。这个异步方法会发送一个 HTTP 请求,并返回一个可观察对象,它会发出请求到的响应数据。

To communicate with backend services using HTTP, the HttpClient service uses observables and offers the HttpClient.get() method to fetch data from a server. The asynchronous method sends an HTTP request, and returns an observable that emits the requested data for the response.

AsyncPipe 所示,你可以使用非纯管道 AsyncPipe 接受一个可观察对象作为输入,并自动订阅输入。你也可以创建一个非纯管道来建立和缓存 HTTP 请求。

As shown in the previous section, you can use the impure AsyncPipe to accept an observable as input and subscribe to the input automatically. You can also create an impure pipe to make and cache an HTTP request.

每当组件运行变更检测时就会调用非纯管道,在 CheckAlways 策略下会每隔几毫秒运行一次。为避免出现性能问题,只有当请求的 URL 发生变化时才会调用该服务器(如下例所示),并使用该管道缓存服务器的响应。显示如下:

Impure pipes are called whenever change detection runs for a component, which could be every few milliseconds for CheckAlways. To avoid performance problems, call the server only when the requested URL changes, as shown in the following example, and use the pipe to cache the server response. The tabs show the following:

  • fetch 管道( fetch-json.pipe.ts )。

    The fetch pipe (fetch-json.pipe.ts).

  • 一个用于演示该请求的挽具组件(hero-list.component.ts),它使用一个模板,该模板定义了两个到该管道的绑定,该管道会向 heroes.json 文件请求英雄数组。第二个绑定把 fetch 管道与内置的 JsonPipe 串联起来,以 JSON 格式显示同一份英雄数据。

    A harness component (hero-list.component.ts) for demonstrating the request, using a template that defines two bindings to the pipe requesting the heroes from the heroes.json file. The second binding chains the fetch pipe with the built-in JsonPipe to display the same hero data in JSON format.

      import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'fetch',
  pure: false
export class FetchJsonPipe implements PipeTransform {
  private cachedData: any = null;
  private cachedUrl = '';

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

  transform(url: string): any {
    if (url !== this.cachedUrl) {
      this.cachedData = null;
      this.cachedUrl = url;
      this.http.get(url).subscribe(result => this.cachedData = result);

    return this.cachedData;


In the above example, a breakpoint on the pipe's request for data shows the following:

  • 每个绑定都有自己的管道实例。

    Each binding gets its own pipe instance.

  • 每个管道实例都会缓存自己的 URL 和数据,并且只调用一次服务器。

    Each pipe instance caches its own URL and data and calls the server only once.

fetchfetch-json 管道会显示英雄,如图 5 所示。

The fetch and fetch-json pipes display the heroes as shown in Figure 5.

图 5. fetchfetch-json 管道显示了这些英雄。

Figure 5. The fetch and fetch-json pipes displaying the heroes

内置的 JsonPipe 提供了一种方法来诊断一个离奇失败的数据绑定,或用来检查一个对象是否能用于将来的绑定。

The built-in JsonPipe provides a way to diagnose a mysteriously failing data binding or to inspect an object for future binding.


Pipes and precedence

管道操作符要比三目运算符(?:)的优先级高,这意味着 a ? b : c | x 会被解析成 a ? b : (c | x)

The pipe operator has a higher precedence than the ternary operator (?:), which means a ? b : c | x is parsed as a ? b : (c | x). The pipe operator cannot be used without parentheses in the first and second operands of ?:.

由于这种优先级设定,如果你要用管道处理三目元算符的结果,就要把整个表达式包裹在括号中,比如 (a ? b : c) | x

Due to precedence, if you want a pipe to apply to the result of a ternary, wrap the entire expression in parentheses; for example, (a ? b : c) | x.

      <!-- use parentheses in the third operand so the pipe applies to the whole expression -->
{{ (true ? 'true' : 'false') | uppercase }}