


Decorator that marks a class as pipe and supplies configuration metadata.



在模板中绑定时使用的管道名。 通常使用 lowerCamelCase 拼写方式,因为名字中不允许包含减号(-)。

The pipe name to use in template bindings. Typically uses lowerCamelCase because the name cannot contain hyphens.


true 时,该管道是纯管道,也就是说 transform() 方法只有在其输入参数变化时才会被调用。管道默认都是纯管道。

When true, the pipe is pure, meaning that the transform() method is invoked only when its input arguments change. Pipes are pure by default.



管道类必须实现 PipeTransform 接口。例如,如果其名称为 “myPipe”,则使用模板绑定表达式,例如:

A pipe class must implement the PipeTransform interface. For example, if the name is "myPipe", use a template binding expression such as the following:

      {{ exp | myPipe }}

此表达式的结果会传给管道的 transform() 方法。

The result of the expression is passed to the pipe's transform() method.

管道必须属于某个 NgModule,才能用于模板。要使其成为 NgModule 的成员,请把它加入 NgModule 元数据的 declarations 中。

A pipe must belong to an NgModule in order for it to be available to a template. To make it a member of an NgModule, list it in the declarations field of the NgModule metadata.


在模板中绑定时使用的管道名。 通常使用 lowerCamelCase 拼写方式,因为名字中不允许包含减号(-)。

The pipe name to use in template bindings. Typically uses lowerCamelCase because the name cannot contain hyphens.

      name: string

true 时,该管道是纯管道,也就是说 transform() 方法只有在其输入参数变化时才会被调用。管道默认都是纯管道。

When true, the pipe is pure, meaning that the transform() method is invoked only when its input arguments change. Pipes are pure by default.

      pure?: boolean

如果该管道具有内部状态(也就是说,其结果会依赖内部状态,而不仅仅依赖参数),就要把 pure 设置为 false。 这种情况下,该管道会在每个变更检测周期中都被调用一次 —— 即使其参数没有发生任何变化。

If the pipe has internal state (that is, the result depends on state other than its arguments), set pure to false. In this case, the pipe is invoked on each change-detection cycle, even if the arguments have not changed.