

Using forms for user input

本指南基于“入门教程”基本 Angular 应用中的第三步“管理数据”

This guide builds on the Managing Data step of the Getting Started tutorial, Get started with a basic Angular app.


This section walks you through adding a form-based checkout feature to collect user information as part of checkout.


Define the checkout form model


This step shows you how to set up the checkout form model in the component class. The form model determines the status of the form.

  1. 打开 cart.component.ts

    Open cart.component.ts.

  2. @angular/forms 包导入 FormBuilder。此服务提供了用来生成控件的便捷方法。

    Import the FormBuilder service from the @angular/forms package. This service provides convenient methods for generating controls.

          import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms';
    import { CartService } from '../cart.service';
  3. CartComponentconstructor() 中注入 FormBuilder 服务。该服务是你已经导入过的 ReactiveFormsModule 模块的一部分。

    Inject the FormBuilder service in the CartComponent constructor(). This service is part of the ReactiveFormsModule module, which you've already imported.

          export class CartComponent {
        private cartService: CartService,
        private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
        ) {}
  4. 要收集用户的姓名和地址,请使用 FormBuildergroup() 方法来把 checkoutForm 属性设置为一个包含 nameaddress 字段的表单模型。

    To gather the user's name and address, use the FormBuilder group() method to set the checkoutForm property to a form model containing name and address fields.

          export class CartComponent {
      items = this.cartService.getItems();
      checkoutForm = this.formBuilder.group({
        name: '',
        address: ''
        private cartService: CartService,
        private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
        ) {}
  5. 定义一个 onSubmit() 方法来处理表单。该方法允许用户提交其姓名和地址。此外,此方法会使用 CartServiceclearCart() 方法重置表单并清除购物车。

    Define an onSubmit() method to process the form. This method allows users to submit their name and address. In addition, this method uses the clearCart() method of the CartService to reset the form and clear the cart.


    The entire cart component class is as follows:

          import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms';
    import { CartService } from '../cart.service';
      selector: 'app-cart',
      templateUrl: './cart.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./cart.component.css']
    export class CartComponent {
      items = this.cartService.getItems();
      checkoutForm = this.formBuilder.group({
        name: '',
        address: ''
        private cartService: CartService,
        private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
        ) {}
      onSubmit(): void {
        // Process checkout data here
        this.items = this.cartService.clearCart();
        console.warn('Your order has been submitted', this.checkoutForm.value);


Create the checkout form


Use the following steps to add a checkout form at the bottom of the Cart view.

  1. cart.component.html 的底部,添加一个 HTML <form> 元素和一个 Purchase 按钮。

    At the bottom of cart.component.html, add an HTML <form> element and a Purchase button.

  2. 使用 formGroup 属性绑定将 checkoutForm 绑定到 HTML 中的 <form> 标签。

    Use a formGroup property binding to bind checkoutForm to the HTML <form>.

          <form [formGroup]="checkoutForm">
      <button class="button" type="submit">Purchase</button>
  3. form 标签上,使用 ngSubmit 事件绑定来侦听表单提交,并以 checkoutForm 的值为参数调用 onSubmit() 方法。

    On the form tag, use an ngSubmit event binding to listen for the form submission and call the onSubmit() method with the checkoutForm value.

    src/app/cart/cart.component.html (cart component template detail)
          <form [formGroup]="checkoutForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
  4. 添加 nameaddress<input> 字段,每个字段都有一个 formControlName 属性,该属性绑定到 checkoutForm 表单控件,以将 nameaddress 绑定到其 <input> 字段。完整的组件如下:

    Add <input> fields for name and address, each with a formControlName attribute that binds to the checkoutForm form controls for name and address to their <input> fields. The complete component is as follows:

      <a routerLink="/shipping">Shipping Prices</a>
    <div class="cart-item" *ngFor="let item of items">
      <span>{{ item.name }} </span>
      <span>{{ item.price | currency }}</span>
    <form [formGroup]="checkoutForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
        <label for="name">
        <input id="name" type="text" formControlName="name">
        <label for="address">
        <input id="address" type="text" formControlName="address">
      <button class="button" type="submit">Purchase</button>


After putting a few items in the cart, users can review their items, enter their name and address, and submit their purchase.


To confirm submission, open the console to see an object containing the name and address you submitted.


What's next


You have a complete online store application with a product catalog, a shopping cart, and a checkout function.

继续前往“部署”部分,以进行本地开发,或将此应用部署到 Firebase 或你自己的服务器。

Continue to the "Deployment" section to move to local development, or deploy your app to Firebase or your own server.