

Property binding best practices


By following a few guidelines, you can use property binding in a way that helps you minimize bugs and keep your code readable.

本章包含代码片段的工作实例参阅现场演练 / 下载范例

See the现场演练 / 下载范例for a working example containing the code snippets in this guide.


Avoid side effects


Evaluation of a template expression should have no visible side effects. Use the syntax for template expressions to help avoid side effects. In general, the correct syntax prevents you from assigning a value to anything in a property binding expression. The syntax also prevents you from using increment and decrement operators.


An example of producing side effects

如果你的表达式改变了你所绑定的其它东西的值,那么这种更改就会产生副作用。 Angular 可能显示也可能不显示更改后的值。如果 Angular 确实检测到了这个变化,就会抛出一个错误。

If you had an expression that changed the value of something else that you were binding to, that change of value would be a side effect. Angular might or might not display the changed value. If Angular does detect the change, it throws an error.


As a best practice, use only properties and methods that return values.


Return the proper type


A template expression should evaluate to the type of value that the target property expects. For example, return a string if the target property expects a string, a number if it expects a number, or an object if it expects an object.


Passing in a string

在下面的例子中,ItemDetailComponentchildItem 属性需要一个字符串。

In the following example, the childItem property of the ItemDetailComponent expects a string.

      <app-item-detail [childItem]="parentItem"></app-item-detail>

你可以通过查看 ItemDetailComponent 来确认这种预期,其中的 @Input() 类型为 string

You can confirm this expectation by looking in the ItemDetailComponent where the @Input() type is string:

src/app/item-detail/item-detail.component.ts (setting the @Input() type)
      @Input() childItem: string;

AppComponent 中的 parentItem 是一个字符串,这意味着 [childItem]="parentItem" 中的 parentItem 应该求值为一个字符串。

The parentItem in AppComponent is a string, which means that the expression, parentItem within [childItem]="parentItem", evaluates to a string.

      parentItem = 'lamp';

如果 parentItem 是其它类型的,你同样应该把 childItem 这个 @Input() 指定为那个类型。

If parentItem were some other type, you would need to specify childItem @Input() as that type as well.


Passing in an object

在这个例子中, ItemListComponentAppComponent 的子组件,其 items 属性需要一个对象数组。

In this example, ItemListComponent is a child component of AppComponent and the items property expects an array of objects.

      <app-item-list [items]="currentItems"></app-item-list>

ItemListComponent 中,@Input() items 的类型为 Item[]

In the ItemListComponent the @Input(), items, has a type of Item[].

      @Input() items: Item[];

注意 Item 是一个有两个属性的对象。一个是 id,一个是 name

Notice that Item is an object that it has two properties; an id and a name.

      export interface Item {
  id: number;
  name: string;

app.component.ts 中,currentItems 是一个对象数组,与 items.ts 中的 Item 对象具有相同的形态:有一个 id,有一个 name

In app.component.ts, currentItems is an array of objects in the same shape as the Item object in items.ts, with an id and a name.

      currentItems = [{
  id: 21,
  name: 'phone'

通过提供一个形态相同的对象,你就可以满足 Angular 在计算表达式 currentItems 时对 items 的期待。

By supplying an object in the same shape, you satisfy the expectations of items when Angular evaluates the expression currentItems.