

Optimizing client app size with lightweight injection tokens


This page provides a conceptual overview of a dependency injection technique that is recommended for library developers. Designing your library with lightweight injection tokens helps optimize the bundle size of client applications that use your library.


You can manage the dependency structure among your components and injectable services to optimize bundle size by using tree-shakable providers. This normally ensures that if a provided component or service is never actually used by the app, the compiler can eliminate its code from the bundle.

但是,由于 Angular 存储注入令牌的方式,可能会导致未用到的组件或服务最终进入发布包中。本页描述了依赖注入的一种设计模式,它通过使用轻量级注入令牌来支持正确的摇树优化。

However, due to the way Angular stores injection tokens, it is possible that such an unused component or service can end up in the bundle anyway. This page describes a dependency-injection design pattern that supports proper tree-shaking by using lightweight injection tokens.


The lightweight injection token design pattern is especially important for library developers. It ensures that when an application uses only some of your library's capabilities, the unused code can be eliminated from the client's application bundle.


When an application uses your library, there might be some services that your library supplies which the client application doesn't use. In this case, the application developer should expect that service to be tree-shaken, and not contribute to the size of the compiled application. Because the application developer cannot know about or remedy a tree-shaking problem in the library, it is the responsibility of the library developer to do so. To prevent the retention of unused components, your library should use the lightweight injection token design pattern.


When tokens are retained


To better explain the condition under which token retention occurs, consider a library that provides a library-card component, which contains a body and can contain an optional header.


在一个可能的实现中, <lib-card> 组件使用 @ContentChild() 或者 @ContentChildren() 来获取 <lib-header><lib-body> ,如下所示。

In a likely implementation, the <lib-card> component uses @ContentChild() or @ContentChildren() to obtain <lib-header> and <lib-body>, as in the following.

  selector: 'lib-header',
class LibHeaderComponent {}

  selector: 'lib-card',
class LibCardComponent {
  header: LibHeaderComponent|null = null;

因为 <lib-header> 是可选的,所以元素可以用最小化的形式 <lib-card></lib-card> 出现在模板中。在这个例子中,<lib-header> 没有用过,你可能期望它会被摇树优化掉,但事实并非如此。这是因为 LibCardComponent 实际上包含两个对 LibHeaderComponent 引用。

Because <lib-header> is optional, the element can appear in the template in its minimal form, <lib-card></lib-card>. In this case, <lib-header> is not used and you would expect it to be tree-shaken, but that is not what happens. This is because LibCardComponent actually contains two references to the LibHeaderComponent.

@ContentChild(LibHeaderComponent) header: LibHeaderComponent;

  • 其中一个引用位于类型位置上 - 即,它把 LibHeaderComponent 用作了类型: header: LibHeaderComponent;

    One of these reference is in the type position-- that is, it specifies LibHeaderComponent as a type: header: LibHeaderComponent;.

  • 另一个引用位于值的位置 - 即,LibHeaderComponent 是 @ContentChild() 参数装饰器的值: @ContentChild(LibHeaderComponent)

    The other reference is in the value position-- that is, LibHeaderComponent is the value of the @ContentChild() parameter decorator: @ContentChild(LibHeaderComponent).


The compiler handles token references in these positions differently.

  • 编译器在从 TypeScript 转换完后会删除这些类型位置上的引用,所以它们对于摇树优化没什么影响。

    The compiler erases type position references after conversion from TypeScript, so they have no impact on tree-shaking.

  • 编译器必须在运行时保留值位置上的引用,这就会阻止该组件被摇树优化掉。

    The compiler must retain value position references at runtime, which prevents the component from being tree-shaken.

在这个例子中,编译器保留了 LibHeaderComponent 令牌,它出现在了值位置上,这就会防止所引用的组件被摇树优化掉,即使应用开发者实际上没有在任何地方用过 <lib-header>。如果 LibHeaderComponent 很大(代码、模板和样式),把它包含进来就会不必要地大大增加客户应用的大小。

In the example, the compiler retains the LibHeaderComponent token that occurs in the value position, which prevents the referenced component from being tree-shaken, even if the application developer does not actually use <lib-header> anywhere. If LibHeaderComponent is large (code, template, and styles), including it unnecessarily can significantly increase the size of the client application.


When to use the lightweight injection token pattern


The tree-shaking problem arises when a component is used as an injection token. There are two cases when that can happen.

  • 令牌用在内容查询中值的位置上。

    The token is used in the value position of a content query.

  • 该令牌用作构造函数注入的类型说明符。

    The token is used as a type specifier for constructor injection.

在下面的例子中,两处对 OtherComponent 令牌的使用导致 OtherComponent 被保留下来(也就是说,防止它在未用到时被摇树优化掉)。

In the following example, both uses of the OtherComponent token cause retention of OtherComponent (that is, prevent it from being tree-shaken when it is not used).

      class MyComponent {
  constructor(@Optional() other: OtherComponent) {}

  other: OtherComponent|null;

虽然转换为 JavaScript 时只会删除那些只用作类型说明符的令牌,但在运行时依赖注入需要所有这些令牌。这些工作把 constructor(@Optional() other: OtherComponent) 改成了 constructor(@Optional() @Inject(OtherComponent) other) 。该令牌现在处于值的位置,并使该摇树优化器保留该引用。

Although tokens used only as type specifiers are removed when converted to JavaScript, all tokens used for dependency injection are needed at runtime. These effectively change constructor(@Optional() other: OtherComponent) to constructor(@Optional() @Inject(OtherComponent) other). The token is now in a value position, and causes the tree shaker to retain the reference.


For all services, a library should use tree-shakable providers, providing dependencies at the root level rather than in component constructors.


Using lightweight injection tokens


The lightweight injection token design pattern consists of using a small abstract class as an injection token, and providing the actual implementation at a later stage. The abstract class is retained (not tree-shaken), but it is small and has no material impact on the application size.

下例举例说明了这个 LibHeaderComponent 的工作原理。

The following example shows how this works for the LibHeaderComponent.

      abstract class LibHeaderToken {}

  selector: 'lib-header',
  providers: [
    {provide: LibHeaderToken, useExisting: LibHeaderComponent}
class LibHeaderComponent extends LibHeaderToken {}

  selector: 'lib-card',
class LibCardComponent {
  @ContentChild(LibHeaderToken) header: LibHeaderToken|null = null;

在这个例子中, LibCardComponent 的实现里,LibHeaderComponent 既不会出现在类型的位置也不会出现在值的位置。这样就可以让 LibHeaderComponent 完全被摇树优化掉。LibHeaderToken 被留下了,但它只是一个类声明,没有具体的实现。它很小,并且在编译后保留时对应用程序的大小没有实质影响。

In this example, the LibCardComponent implementation no longer refers to LibHeaderComponent in either the type position or the value position. This allows full tree shaking of LibHeaderComponent to take place. The LibHeaderToken is retained, but it is only a class declaration, with no concrete implementation. It is small and does not materially impact the application size when retained after compilation.

不过,LibHeaderComponent 本身实现了抽象类 LibHeaderToken。你可以放心使用这个令牌作为组件定义中的提供者,让 Angular 能够正确地注入具体类型。

Instead, LibHeaderComponent itself implements the abstract LibHeaderToken class. You can safely use that token as the provider in the component definition, allowing Angular to correctly inject the concrete type.


To summarize, the lightweight injection token pattern consists of the following.

  1. 一个轻量级的注入令牌,它表现为一个抽象类。

    A lightweight injection token that is represented as an abstract class.

  2. 一个实现该抽象类的组件定义。

    A component definition that implements the abstract class.

  3. 注入这种轻量级模式时使用 @ContentChild() 或者 @ContentChildren()

    Injection of the lightweight pattern, using @ContentChild() or @ContentChildren().

  4. 实现轻量级注入令牌的提供者,它将轻量级注入令牌和它的实现关联起来。

    A provider in the implementation of the lightweight injection token which associates the lightweight injection token with the implementation.

使用轻量级注入令牌进行 API 定义

Use the lightweight injection token for API definition


A component that injects a lightweight injection token might need to invoke a method in the injected class. Because the token is now an abstract class, and the injectable component implements that class, you must also declare an abstract method in the abstract lightweight injection token class. The implementation of the method (with all of its code overhead) resides in the injectable component that can be tree-shaken. This allows the parent to communicate with the child (if it is present) in a type-safe manner.

例如,LibCardComponent 现在要查询 LibHeaderToken 而不是 LibHeaderComponent 。这个例子展示了该模式如何让 LibCardComponentLibHeaderComponent 通信,却不用实际引用 LibHeaderComponent

For example, the LibCardComponent now queries LibHeaderToken rather than LibHeaderComponent. The following example shows how the pattern allows LibCardComponent to communicate with the LibHeaderComponent without actually referring to LibHeaderComponent.

      abstract class LibHeaderToken {
  abstract doSomething(): void;

  selector: 'lib-header',
  providers: [
    {provide: LibHeaderToken, useExisting: LibHeaderComponent}
class LibHeaderComponent extends LibHeaderToken {
  doSomething(): void {
    // Concrete implementation of `doSomething`

  selector: 'lib-card',
class LibCardComponent implement AfterContentInit {
  header: LibHeaderToken|null = null;

  ngAfterContentInit(): void {
    this.header && this.header.doSomething();


In this example the parent queries the token to obtain the child component, and stores the resulting component reference if it is present. Before calling a method in the child, the parent component checks to see if the child component is present. If the child component has been tree-shaken, there is no runtime reference to it, and no call to its method.


Naming your lightweight injection token

轻量级注入令牌只对组件有用。Angular 风格指南中建议你使用“Component”后缀命名组件。例如“LibHeaderComponent”就遵循这个约定。

Lightweight injection tokens are only useful with components. The Angular style guide suggests that you name components using the "Component" suffix. The example "LibHeaderComponent" follows this convention.


To maintain the relationship between the component and its token while still distinguishing between them, the recommended style is to use the component base name with the suffix "Token" to name your lightweight injection tokens: "LibHeaderToken".