

Sharing data between child and parent directives and components

Angular 中的一个常见模式就是在父组件和一个或多个子组件之间共享数据。你可以用 @Input()@Output() 来实现这个模式。

A common pattern in Angular is sharing data between a parent component and one or more child components. You can implement this pattern by using the @Input() and @Output() directives.

本章包含代码片段的可工作实例参阅现场演练 / 下载范例

See the现场演练 / 下载范例for a working example containing the code snippets in this guide.


Consider the following hierarchy:


<parent-component> 充当了 <child-component> 的上下文。

The <parent-component> serves as the context for the <child-component>.

@Input()@Output() 为子组件提供了一种与其父组件通信的方法。 @Input() 允许父组件更新子组件中的数据。相反,@Output() 允许子组件向父组件发送数据。

@Input() and @Output() give a child component a way to communicate with its parent component. @Input() allows a parent component to update data in the child component. Conversely, @Output() allows the child to send data to a parent component.


Sending data to a child component

子组件或指令中的 @Input() 装饰器表示该属性可以从其父组件中获取值。

The @Input() decorator in a child component or directive signifies that the property can receive its value from its parent component.

要使用 @Input(),就必须对父组件和子组件进行配置。

To use @Input(), you must configure the parent and child.


Configuring the child component

要使用 @Input() 装饰器,首先要导入 Input,然后用 @Input() 装饰该属性,如下例所示。

To use the @Input() decorator in a child component class, first import Input and then decorate the property with @Input(), as in the following example.

      import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core'; // First, import Input
export class ItemDetailComponent {
  @Input() item: string; // decorate the property with @Input()

在这个例子中, @Input() 会修饰属性 item,它的类型为 string,但 @Input() 属性可以是任意类型,比如 numberstringbooleanobjectitem 的值来自父组件。

In this case, @Input() decorates the property item, which has a type of string, however, @Input() properties can have any type, such as number, string, boolean, or object. The value for item comes from the parent component.


Next, in the child component template, add the following:

  Today's item: {{item}}


Configuring the parent component

下一步是在父组件的模板中绑定该属性。在这个例子中,父组件模板是 app.component.html

The next step is to bind the property in the parent component's template. In this example, the parent component template is app.component.html.

  1. 使用子组件的 selector (<app-item-detail>) 作为父组件模板中的指令。

    Use the child's selector, here <app-item-detail>, as a directive within the parent component template.

  2. 使用属性绑定把子组件的 item 属性绑定到父组件的 currentItem 属性上。

    Use property binding to bind the item property in the child to the currentItem property of the parent.

      <app-item-detail [item]="currentItem"></app-item-detail>
  1. 在父组件类中,为 currentItem 指定一个值:

    In the parent component class, designate a value for currentItem:

      export class AppComponent {
  currentItem = 'Television';

通过 @Input(),Angular 把 currentItem 的值传给子组件,以便 item 渲染为 Television

With @Input(), Angular passes the value for currentItem to the child so that item renders as Television.


The following diagram shows this structure:

方括号 [] 中的目标就是子组件中用 @Input() 装饰的那个属性。绑定源(等号的右边部分)则是父组件传给内嵌组件的数据。

The target in the square brackets, [], is the property you decorate with @Input() in the child component. The binding source, the part to the right of the equal sign, is the data that the parent component passes to the nested component.

监视 @Input() 的变更

Watching for @Input() changes

要想监视 @Input() 属性的变化,你可以使用 Angular 的生命周期钩子OnChanges 。更多详情和范例,请参阅生命周期钩子 一章的 OnChanges部分。

To watch for changes on an @Input() property, you can use OnChanges, one of Angular's lifecycle hooks. See the OnChangessection of the Lifecycle Hooks guide for more details and examples.


Sending data to a parent component

子组件或指令中的 @Output() 装饰器允许数据从子组件传给父组件。

The @Output() decorator in a child component or directive allows data to flow from the child to the parent.

@Output() 在子组件中标记了一个属性,作为数据从子组件传递到父组件的途径。

@Output() marks a property in a child component as a doorway through which data can travel from the child to the parent.

子组件使用 @Output() 属性来引发事件,以通知父组件这一变化。为了引发事件, @Output() 必须是 EventEmitter 类型,它是 @angular/core 中用来发出自定义事件的类。

The child component uses the @Output() property to raise an event to notify the parent of the change. To raise an event, an @Output() must have the type of EventEmitter, which is a class in @angular/core that you use to emit custom events.

下面的例子给出了如何在组件中设置 @Output(),来把数据从 HTML 的 <input> 推送到父组件的数组中。

The following example shows how to set up an @Output() in a child component that pushes data from an HTML <input> to an array in the parent component.

要使用 @Output() ,就必须配置父组件和子组件。

To use @Output(), you must configure the parent and child.


Configuring the child component

下面的例子中有一个 <input> ,用户可以输入一个值,然后点击一个引发事件 <button> 然后, EventEmitter 数据中继到父组件。

The following example features an <input> where a user can enter a value and click a <button> that raises an event. The EventEmitter then relays the data to the parent component.

  1. 在子组件类中导入 OutputEventEmitter

    Import Output and EventEmitter in the child component class:

          import { Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
  2. 在组件类中,用 @Output() 装饰一个属性。下面的例子中 newItemEvent 这个 @Output() 的类型为 EventEmitter ,这意味着它是一个事件。

    In the component class, decorate a property with @Output(). The following example newItemEvent @Output() has a type of EventEmitter, which means it's an event.

          @Output() newItemEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();


    The different parts of the above declaration are as follows:

  1. 在同一个组件类中创建一个 addNewItem() 方法:

    Create an addNewItem() method in the same component class:

          export class ItemOutputComponent {
      @Output() newItemEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
      addNewItem(value: string) {

    addNewItem() 函数使用 newItemEvent 这个 @Output() 来引发一个事件,该事件带有用户输入到 <input> 中的值。

    The addNewItem() function uses the @Output(), newItemEvent, to raise an event with the value the user types into the <input>.


Configuring the child's template

子组件的模板有两个控件。第一个是带有模板引用变量 #newItem<input>,用户可在其中输入条目名称。 #newItem 变量的 value 属性存储了用户输入到 <input> 中的值。

The child's template has two controls. The first is an HTML <input> with a template reference variable , #newItem, where the user types in an item name. The value property of the #newItem variable stores what the user types into the <input>.

      <label for="item-input">Add an item:</label>
<input type="text" id="item-input" #newItem>
<button (click)="addNewItem(newItem.value)">Add to parent's list</button>

第二个元素是带有 click 事件绑定<button> 元素。

The second element is a <button> with a click event binding.

(click) 事件绑定到了子组件类中 addNewItem() 方法。addNewItem() 方法接受一个 #newItem.value 属性的值作为参数。

The (click) event is bound to the addNewItem() method in the child component class. The addNewItem() method takes as its argument the value of the #newItem.value property.


Configuring the parent component

此范例中的 AppComponent 有一个 items 列表,以及一个向数组中添加更多条目的方法。

The AppComponent in this example features a list of items in an array and a method for adding more items to the array.

      export class AppComponent {
  items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'];

  addItem(newItem: string) {

addItem() 方法接受一个字符串形式的参数,然后把该字符串添加到 items 数组中。

The addItem() method takes an argument in the form of a string and then adds that string to the items array.


Configuring the parent's template

  1. 在父模板中,把父组件的方法绑定到子组件的事件上。

    In the parent's template, bind the parent's method to the child's event.

  2. 把子组件选择器(<app-item-output>)放在父组件的模板 app.component.html 中。

    Put the child selector, here <app-item-output>, within the parent component's template, app.component.html.

          <app-item-output (newItemEvent)="addItem($event)"></app-item-output>

    事件绑定 (newItemEvent)='addItem($event)' 会把子组件中的 newItemEvent 事件连接到父组件的 addItem() 方法。

    The event binding, (newItemEvent)='addItem($event)', connects the event in the child, newItemEvent, to the method in the parent, addItem().

    $event 中包含用户在子组件模板上的 <input> 中键入的数据。

    The $event contains the data that the user types into the <input> in the child template UI.

    要了解 @Output() 的工作方式,你可以把以下内容添加到父组件的模板中:

    To see the @Output() working, you can add the following to the parent's template:

      <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{item}}</li>

    *ngFor 会迭代 items 数组中的条目。当你在子组件的 <input> 中输入一个值并单击该按钮时,子组件就会发出该事件,而父组件的 addItem() 方法会把这个值追加到其 items 数组中,并且列表中会渲染出这个新条目。

    The *ngFor iterates over the items in the items array. When you enter a value in the child's <input> and click the button, the child emits the event and the parent's addItem() method pushes the value to the items array and new item renders in the list.

同时使用 @Input()@Output()

Using @Input() and @Output() together

你可以在同一个子组件上使用 @Input()@Output(),范例如下:

You can use @Input() and @Output() on the same child component as follows:

      <app-input-output [item]="currentItem" (deleteRequest)="crossOffItem($event)"></app-input-output>

目标 item 是子组件类中的一个 @Input() 属性,它会从父组件的 currentItem 属性中获取它的值。当你单击“删除”时,子组件就会引发一个事件 deleteRequest ,它会作为父组件中 crossOffItem() 方法的参数。

The target, item, which is an @Input() property in the child component class, receives its value from the parent's property, currentItem. When you click delete, the child component raises an event, deleteRequest, which is the argument for the parent's crossOffItem() method.

下图展示了子组件 <app-input-output>@Input()@Output() 的各个部分。

The following diagram shows the different parts of the @Input() and @Output() on the <app-input-output> child component.

这里的子选择器是 <app-input-output>,它所带的 itemdeleteRequest 是子组件类中的 @Input()@Output() 属性。而 currentItem 属性和 crossOffItem() 方法都位于父组件类中。

The child selector is <app-input-output> with item and deleteRequest being @Input() and @Output() properties in the child component class. The property currentItem and the method crossOffItem() are both in the parent component class.

要想用“盒子里的香蕉” [()] 语法来组合属性和事件绑定,参阅双向绑定

To combine property and event bindings using the banana-in-a-box syntax, [()], see Two-way Binding.