

How event binding works

在事件绑定中,Angular 会为目标事件配置事件处理函数。你还可以将事件绑定用于自定义事件。

In an event binding, Angular configures an event handler for the target event. You can use event binding with your own custom events.


When the component or directive raises the event, the handler executes the template statement. The template statement performs an action in response to the event.


Handling events

处理事件的常见方法之一是把事件对象 $event 传给处理该事件的方法。$event 对象通常包含该方法所需的信息,例如用户名或图片 URL。

A common way to handle events is to pass the event object, $event, to the method handling the event. The $event object often contains information the method needs, such as a user's name or an image URL.

目标事件决定了 $event 对象的形态。如果目标事件是来自原生 DOM 元素的,那么 $event 是一个DOM 事件对象,它具有 targettarget.value 等属性。

The target event determines the shape of the $event object. If the target event is a native DOM element event, then $event is a DOM event object, with properties such as target and target.value.

在下面的例子中,代码通过绑定到 name 来设置 <input>value 属性。

In the following example the code sets the <input> value property by binding to the name property.

      <input [value]="currentItem.name"


With this example, the following actions occur:

  1. 该代码绑定到 <input> 元素的 input 事件,该事件允许代码监听这些更改。

    The code binds to the input event of the <input> element, which allows the code to listen for changes.

  2. 当用户做出更改时,该组件会引发 input 事件。

    When the user makes changes, the component raises the input event.

  3. 这个绑定会在一个上下文中执行该语句,此上下文中包含 DOM 事件对象 $event

    The binding executes the statement within a context that includes the DOM event object, $event.

  4. Angular 会通过调用 getValue($event.target) 来获取更改后的文本,并用它更新 name 属性。

    Angular retrieves the changed text by calling getValue($event.target) and updates the name property.

如果该事件属于某个指令或组件,那么 $event 就具有指令或组件中生成的形态。

If the event belongs to a directive or component, $event has the shape that the directive or component produces.

在模板中,$event.target 的类型只是 EventTarget。在 getValue() 方法中,把此目标转为 HTMLInputElement 类型,以允许对其 value 属性进行类型安全的访问。

The type of $event.target is only EventTarget in the template. In the getValue() method, the target is cast to an HTMLInputElement to allow type-safe access to its value property.

      getValue(target: EventTarget): string {
  return (target as HTMLInputElement).value;