

Dependency providers


By configuring providers, you can make services available to the parts of your application that need them.

依赖提供者会使用 DI 令牌来配置注入器,注入器会用它来提供这个依赖值的具体的、运行时版本。

A dependency provider configures an injector with a DI token, which that injector uses to provide the runtime version of a dependency value.


Specifying a provider token

如果你把服务类指定为提供者令牌,那么注入器的默认行为是用 new 来实例化那个类。

If you specify the service class as the provider token, the default behavior is for the injector to instantiate that class with new.

在下面这个例子中,Logger 类提供了 Logger 的实例。

In the following example, the Logger class provides a Logger instance.

      providers: [Logger]


You can, however, configure an injector with an alternative provider in order to deliver some other object that provides the needed logging functionality.


You can configure an injector with a service class, you can provide a substitute class, an object, or a factory function.


Dependency injection tokens

当使用提供者配置注入器时,会将该提供者与依赖项注入令牌(或叫 DI 令牌)关联起来。注入器允许 Angular 创建任何内部依赖项的映射。DI 令牌会充当该映射的键名。

When you configure an injector with a provider, you are associating that provider with a dependency injection token, or DI token. The injector allows Angular to create a map of any internal dependencies. The DI token acts as a key to that map.

依赖项值是一个实例,而这个类的类型用作查找键。在这里,注入器使用 HeroService 类型作为令牌来查找 heroService

The dependency value is an instance, and the class type serves as a lookup key. Here, the injector uses the HeroService type as the token for looking up heroService.

      heroService: HeroService;

当你使用 HeroService 类的类型来定义构造函数参数时,Angular 会注入与这个 HeroService 类令牌相关联的服务:

When you define a constructor parameter with the HeroService class type, Angular knows to inject the service associated with that HeroService class token:

      constructor(heroService: HeroService)

尽管许多依赖项的值是通过类提供的,但扩展的 provide 对象使你可以将不同种类的提供者与 DI 令牌相关联。

Though classes provide many dependency values, the expanded provide object lets you associate different kinds of providers with a DI token.


Defining providers

类提供者的语法实际上是一种简写形式,它会扩展成一个由 Provider 接口定义的提供者配置对象。 下面的代码片段展示了 providers 中给出的类会如何扩展成完整的提供者配置对象。

The class provider syntax is a shorthand expression that expands into a provider configuration, defined by the Provider interface. The following example is the class provider syntax for providing a Logger class in the providers array.

      providers: [Logger]

Angular 把这个 providers 值扩展为一个完整的提供者对象,如下所示。

Angular expands the providers value into a full provider object as follows.

      [{ provide: Logger, useClass: Logger }]


The expanded provider configuration is an object literal with two properties:

  • provide 属性存有令牌,它作为一个 key,在定位依赖值和配置注入器时使用。

    The provide property holds the token that serves as the key for both locating a dependency value and configuring the injector.

  • 第二个属性是一个提供者定义对象,它告诉注入器要如何创建依赖值。 提供者定义对象中的 key 可以是 useClass —— 就像这个例子中一样。 也可以是 useExistinguseValueuseFactory。 每一个 key 都用于提供一种不同类型的依赖,我们稍后会讨论。

    The second property is a provider definition object, which tells the injector how to create the dependency value. The provider-definition key can be useClass, as in the example. It can also be useExisting, useValue, or useFactory. Each of these keys provides a different type of dependency, as discussed below.


Specifying an alternative class provider

不同的类可以提供相同的服务。例如,以下代码告诉注入器,当组件使用 Logger 令牌请求一个 logger 时,给它返回一个 BetterLogger

Different classes can provide the same service. For example, the following code tells the injector to return a BetterLogger instance when the component asks for a logger using the Logger token.

      [{ provide: Logger, useClass: BetterLogger }]


Configuring class providers with dependencies

如果替代类提供者有自己的依赖,那就在父模块或组件的元数据属性 providers 中指定那些依赖。

If the alternative class providers have their own dependencies, specify both providers in the providers metadata property of the parent module or component.

      [ UserService,
  { provide: Logger, useClass: EvenBetterLogger }]

在这个例子中,EvenBetterLogger 会在日志信息里显示用户名。 这个 logger 要从注入的 UserService 实例中来获取该用户。

In this example, EvenBetterLogger displays the user name in the log message. This logger gets the user from an injected UserService instance.

export class EvenBetterLogger extends Logger {
  constructor(private userService: UserService) { super(); }

  log(message: string) {
    const name = this.userService.user.name;
    super.log(`Message to ${name}: ${message}`);

注入器需要提供这个新的日志服务以及该服务所依赖的 UserService 对象。

The injector needs providers for both this new logging service and its dependent UserService.


Aliasing class providers

要为类提供者设置别名,请在 providers 数组中使用 useExisting 属性指定别名和类提供者。

To alias a class provider, specify the alias and the class provider in the providers array with the useExisting property.

在下面的例子中,当组件请求新的或旧的记录器时,注入器都会注入一个 NewLogger 的实例。 通过这种方式,OldLogger 就成了 NewLogger 的别名。

In the following example, the injector injects the singleton instance of NewLogger when the component asks for either the new or the old logger. In this way, OldLogger is an alias for NewLogger.

      [ NewLogger,
  // Alias OldLogger w/ reference to NewLogger
  { provide: OldLogger, useExisting: NewLogger}]

请确保你没有使用 useClass 来把 OldLogger 设为 NewLogger 的别名,因为如果这样做它就会创建两个不同的 NewLogger 实例。

Be sure you don't alias OldLogger to NewLogger with useClass, as this creates two different NewLogger instances.


Aliasing a class interface


Generally, writing variations of the same parent alias provider uses forwardRef as follows.

      providers: [{ provide: Parent, useExisting: forwardRef(() => AlexComponent) }],

为简化你的代码,可以使用辅助函数 provideParent() 来把这个逻辑提取到一个辅助函数中。

To streamline your code, you can extract that logic into a helper function using the provideParent() helper function.

      // Helper method to provide the current component instance in the name of a `parentType`.
export function provideParent
  (component: any) {
    return { provide: Parent, useExisting: forwardRef(() => component) };


Now you can add a parent provider to your components that's easier to read and understand.

      providers:  [ provideParent(AliceComponent) ]


Aliasing multiple class interfaces

要为多个父类型指定别名(每个类型都有自己的类接口令牌),请配置 provideParent() 以接受更多的参数。

To alias multiple parent types, each with its own class interface token, configure provideParent() to accept more arguments.

这是一个修订版本,默认值为 parent 但同时也接受另一个父类接口作为可选的第二参数。

Here's a revised version that defaults to parent but also accepts an optional second parameter for a different parent class interface.

      // Helper method to provide the current component instance in the name of a `parentType`.
// The `parentType` defaults to `Parent` when omitting the second parameter.
export function provideParent
  (component: any, parentType?: any) {
    return { provide: parentType || Parent, useExisting: forwardRef(() => component) };

接下来,要使用 provideParent(),请传入第二参数,这里是 DifferentParent

Next, to use provideParent() with a different parent type, provide a second argument, here DifferentParent.

      providers:  [ provideParent(BethComponent, DifferentParent) ]


Injecting an object

要注入一个对象,可以用 useValue 选项来配置注入器。 下面的提供者定义对象使用 useValue 作为 key 来把该变量与 Logger 令牌关联起来。

To inject an object, configure the injector with the useValue option. The following provider object uses the useValue key to associate the variable with the Logger token.

      [{ provide: Logger, useValue: SilentLogger }]

在这个例子中,SilentLogger 是一个充当记录器角色的对象。

In this example, SilentLogger is an object that fulfills the logger role.

      // An object in the shape of the logger service
function silentLoggerFn() {}

export const SilentLogger = {
  logs: ['Silent logger says "Shhhhh!". Provided via "useValue"'],
  log: silentLoggerFn


Injecting a configuration object

常用的对象字面量是配置对象。下列配置对象包括应用的标题和 Web API 的端点地址。

A common use case for object literals is a configuration object. The following configuration object includes the title of the application and the address of a web API endpoint.

src/app/app.config.ts (excerpt)
      export const HERO_DI_CONFIG: AppConfig = {
  apiEndpoint: 'api.heroes.com',
  title: 'Dependency Injection'

要提供并注入配置对象,请在 @NgModule()providers 数组中指定该对象。

To provide and inject the configuration object, specify the object in the @NgModule() providers array.

src/app/app.module.ts (providers)
      providers: [
  { provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: HERO_DI_CONFIG }

使用 InjectionToken 对象

Using an InjectionToken object

你可以定义和使用一个 InjectionToken 对象来为非类的依赖选择一个提供者令牌。下列例子定义了一个类型为 InjectionTokenAPP_CONFIG

You can define and use an InjectionToken object for choosing a provider token for non-class dependencies. The following example defines a token, APP_CONFIG of the type InjectionToken.

      import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';

export const APP_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<AppConfig>('app.config');

可选的参数 <AppConfig> 和令牌描述 app.config 指明了此令牌的用途。

The optional type parameter, <AppConfig>, and the token description, app.config, specify the token's purpose.

接着,用 APP_CONFIG 这个 InjectionToken 对象在组件中注册依赖提供者。

Next, register the dependency provider in the component using the InjectionToken object of APP_CONFIG.

      providers: [{ provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: HERO_DI_CONFIG }]

现在,借助参数装饰器 @Inject(),你可以把这个配置对象注入到构造函数中。

Now you can inject the configuration object into the constructor with @Inject() parameter decorator.

      constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) config: AppConfig) {
  this.title = config.title;


Interfaces and dependency injection

虽然 TypeScript 的 AppConfig 接口可以在类中提供类型支持,但它在依赖注入时却没有任何作用。在 TypeScript 中,接口是一项设计期工件,它没有可供 DI 框架使用的运行时表示形式或令牌。

Though the TypeScript AppConfig interface supports typing within the class, the AppConfig interface plays no role in dependency injection. In TypeScript, an interface is a design-time artifact, and doesn't have a runtime representation, or token, that the DI framework can use.

当转译器把 TypeScript 转换成 JavaScript 时,接口就会消失,因为 JavaScript 没有接口。

When the transpiler changes TypeScript to JavaScript, the interface disappears because JavaScript doesn't have interfaces.

由于 Angular 在运行期没有接口,所以该接口不能作为令牌,也不能注入它。

Since there is no interface for Angular to find at runtime, the interface cannot be a token, nor can you inject it.

      // Can't use interface as provider token
[{ provide: AppConfig, useValue: HERO_DI_CONFIG })]
      // Can't inject using the interface as the parameter type
constructor(private config: AppConfig){ }


Using factory providers


To create a changeable, dependent value based on information unavailable before run time, you can use a factory provider.

在下面的例子中,只有授权用户才能看到 HeroService 中的秘密英雄。授权可能在单个应用会话期间发生变化,比如改用其他用户登录。

In the following example, only authorized users should see secret heroes in the HeroService. Authorization can change during the course of a single application session, as when a different user logs in .

要想在 UserServiceHeroService 中保存敏感信息,就要给 HeroService 的构造函数传一个逻辑标志来控制秘密英雄的显示。

To keep security-sensitive information in UserService and out of HeroService, give the HeroService constructor a boolean flag to control display of secret heroes.

src/app/heroes/hero.service.ts (excerpt)
  private logger: Logger,
  private isAuthorized: boolean) { }

getHeroes() {
  const auth = this.isAuthorized ? 'authorized ' : 'unauthorized';
  this.logger.log(`Getting heroes for ${auth} user.`);
  return HEROES.filter(hero => this.isAuthorized || !hero.isSecret);

要实现 isAuthorized 标志,可以用工厂提供者来为 HeroService 创建一个新的 logger 实例。

To implement the isAuthorized flag, use a factory provider to create a new logger instance for HeroService.

src/app/heroes/hero.service.provider.ts (excerpt)
      const heroServiceFactory = (logger: Logger, userService: UserService) => {
  return new HeroService(logger, userService.user.isAuthorized);

这个工厂函数可以访问 UserService。你可以同时把 LoggerUserService 注入到工厂提供者中,这样注入器就可以把它们传给工厂函数了。

The factory function has access to UserService. You inject both Logger and UserService into the factory provider so the injector can pass them along to the factory function.

src/app/heroes/hero.service.provider.ts (excerpt)
      export let heroServiceProvider =
  { provide: HeroService,
    useFactory: heroServiceFactory,
    deps: [Logger, UserService]
  • useFactory 字段指定该提供者是一个工厂函数,其实现代码是 heroServiceFactory

    The useFactory field specifies that the provider is a factory function whose implementation is heroServiceFactory.

  • deps 属性是一个提供者令牌数组。 LoggerUserService 类都是自己类提供者的令牌。该注入器解析了这些令牌,并把相应的服务注入到 heroServiceFactory 工厂函数的参数中。

    The deps property is an array of provider tokens. The Logger and UserService classes serve as tokens for their own class providers. The injector resolves these tokens and injects the corresponding services into the matching heroServiceFactory factory function parameters.

通过把工厂提供者导出为变量 heroServiceProvider,就能让工厂提供者变得可复用。

Capturing the factory provider in the exported variable, heroServiceProvider, makes the factory provider reusable.

下面这两个并排的例子展示了在 providers 数组中,如何用 heroServiceProvider 替换 HeroService

The following side-by-side example shows how heroServiceProvider replaces HeroService in the providers array.

      import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { heroServiceProvider } from './hero.service.provider';

  selector: 'app-heroes',
  providers: [ heroServiceProvider ],
  template: `
export class HeroesComponent { }