

Content projection


This topic describes how to use content projection to create flexible, reusable components.

要查看或下载本主题中用到的示例代码,请参见现场演练 / 下载范例

To view or download the example code used in this topic, see the现场演练 / 下载范例.

内容投影是一种模式,你可以在其中插入或投影要在另一个组件中使用的内容。例如,你可能有一个 Card 组件,它可以接受另一个组件提供的内容。

Content projection is a pattern in which you insert, or project, the content you want to use inside another component. For example, you could have a Card component that accepts content provided by another component.

以下各节介绍了 Angular 中内容投影的常见实现,包括:

The following sections describe common implementations of content projection in Angular, including:


Single-slot content projection


The most basic form of content projection is single-slot content projection. Single-slot content projection refers to creating a component into which you can project one component.


To create a component that uses single-slot content projection:

  1. 创建一个组件。

    Create a component.

  2. 在组件模板中,添加 ng-content 元素,让你希望投影的内容出现在其中。

    In the template for your component, add an ng-content element where you want the projected content to appear.

例如,以下组件使用 ng-content 元素来显示消息。

For example, the following component uses an ng-content element to display a message.

      import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-zippy-basic',
  template: `
  <h2>Single-slot content projection</h2>
export class ZippyBasicComponent {}

有了 ng-content 元素,该组件的用户现在可以将自己的消息投影到该组件中。例如:

With the ng-content element in place, users of this component can now project their own message into the component. For example:

  <p>Is content projection cool?</p>

ng-content 元素是一个占位符,它不会创建真正的 DOM 元素。ng-content 的那些自定义属性将被忽略。

The ng-content element is a placeholder that does not create a real DOM element. Custom attributes applied to ng-content are ignored.


Multi-slot content projection

一个组件可以具有多个插槽。每个插槽可以指定一个 CSS 选择器,该选择器会决定将哪些内容放入该插槽。该模式称为多插槽内容投影。使用此模式,你必须指定希望投影内容出现在的位置。你可以通过使用 ng-contentselect 属性来完成此任务。

A component can have multiple slots. Each slot can specify a CSS selector that determines which content goes into that slot. This pattern is referred to as multi-slot content projection. With this pattern, you must specify where you want the projected content to appear. You accomplish this task by using the select attribute of ng-content.


To create a component that uses multi-slot content projection:

  1. 创建一个组件。

    Create a component.

  2. 在组件模板中,添加 ng-content 元素,让你希望投影的内容出现在其中。

    In the template for your component, add an ng-content element where you want the projected content to appear.

  3. select 属性添加到 ng-content 元素。 Angular 使用的选择器支持标签名、属性、CSS 类和 :not 伪类的任意组合。

    Add a select attribute to the ng-content elements. Angular supports selectors for any combination of tag name, attribute, CSS class, and the :not pseudo-class.

    例如,以下组件会使用两个 ng-content 元素。

    For example, the following component uses two ng-content elements.

          import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-zippy-multislot',
      template: `
      <h2>Multi-slot content projection</h2>
      <ng-content select="[question]"></ng-content>
    export class ZippyMultislotComponent {}

使用 question 属性的内容将投影到带有 select=[question] 属性的 ng-content 元素。

Content that uses the question attribute is projected into the ng-content element with the select=[question] attribute.

  <p question>
    Is content projection cool?
  <p>Let's learn about content projection!</p>
不带 select 属性的 ng-content
ng-content without a select attribute

如果你的组件包含不带 select 属性的 ng-content 元素,则该实例将接收所有与其他 ng-content 元素都不匹配的投影组件。

If your component includes an ng-content element without a select attribute, that instance receives all projected components that do not match any of the other ng-content elements.

在前面的示例中,只有第二个 ng-content 元素定义了 select 属性。结果,第一个 ng-content 就会元素接收投影到组件中的任何其他内容。

In the preceding example, only the second ng-content element defines a select attribute. As a result, the first ng-content element receives any other content projected into the component.


Conditional content projection

如果你的组件需要有条件地渲染内容或多次渲染内容,则应配置该组件以接受一个 ng-template 元素,其中包含要有条件渲染的内容。

If your component needs to conditionally render content, or render content multiple times, you should configure that component to accept an ng-template element that contains the content you want to conditionally render.

在这种情况下,不建议使用 ng-content 元素,因为只要组件的使用者提供了内容,即使该组件从未定义 ng-content 元素或该 ng-content 元素位于 ngIf 语句的内部,该内容也总会被初始化。

Using an ng-content element in these cases is not recommended, because when the consumer of a component supplies the content, that content is always initialized, even if the component does not define an ng-content element or if that ng-content element is inside of an ngIf statement.

使用 ng-template 元素,你可以让组件根据你想要的任何条件显式渲染内容,并可以进行多次渲染。在显式渲染 ng-template 元素之前,Angular 不会初始化该元素的内容。

With an ng-template element, you can have your component explicitly render content based on any condition you want, as many times as you want. Angular will not initialize the content of an ng-template element until that element is explicitly rendered.

ng-template 进行条件内容投影的典型实现。

The following steps demonstrate a typical implementation of conditional content projection using ng-template.

  1. 创建一个组件。

    Create a component.

  2. 在接受 ng-template 元素的组件中,使用 ng-container 元素渲染该模板,例如:

    In the component that accepts an ng-template element, use an ng-container element to render that template, such as:

          <ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="content.templateRef"> </ng-container>

    本示例使用 ngTemplateOutlet 指令来渲染给定的 ng-template 元素,你将在后续步骤中对其进行定义。你可以将 ngTemplateOutlet 指令应用于任何类型的元素。本示例就将该指令分配给了 ng-container 元素,因为该组件不需要渲染真实的 DOM 元素。

    This example uses the ngTemplateOutlet directive to render a given ng-template element, which you will define in a later step. You can apply an ngTemplateOutlet directive to any type of element. This example assigns the directive to an ng-container element because the component does not need to render a real DOM element.

  3. ng-container 元素包装在另一个元素(例如 div 元素)中,然后应用条件逻辑。

    Wrap the ng-container element in another element, such as a div element, and apply your conditional logic.

          <div *ngIf="expanded" [id]="contentId">
        <ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="content.templateRef"> </ng-container>
  4. 在要投影内容的模板中,将投影的内容包装在 ng-template 元素中,例如:

    In the template where you want to project content, wrap the projected content in an ng-template element, such as:

          <ng-template appExampleZippyContent>
      It depends on what you do with it.

    这个 ng-template 元素定义了一个组件可以根据其自身逻辑渲染的内容块。组件可以使用 @ContentChild@ContentChildren装饰器获得对此模板内容的引用(即 TemplateRef)。前面的示例创建了一个自定义指令 appExampleZippyContent 作为 API,以将 ng-template 标记为组件内容。借助这个 TemplateRef,组件可以使用 ngTemplateOutlet指令或ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView方法来渲染所引用的内容。

    The ng-template element defines a block of content that a component can render based on its own logic. A component can get a reference to this template content, or TemplateRef, by using either the @ContentChildor @ContentChildrendecorators. The preceding example creates a custom directive, appExampleZippyContent, as an API to mark the ng-template for the component's content. With the TemplateRef, the component can render the referenced content by using either the ngTemplateOutletdirective, or with ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView.

  5. 创建一个带有与这个模板的自定义属性相匹配的选择器指令。在此指令中,注入 TemplateRef 实例。

    Create a directive with a selector that matches the custom attribute for your template. In this directive, inject a TemplateRef instance.

      selector: '[appExampleZippyContent]'
    export class ZippyContentDirective {
      constructor(public templateRef: TemplateRef<unknown>) {}

    在上一步中,你已添加了具有自定义属性 appExampleZippyDirectiveng-template 元素。这段代码提供了当 Angular 遇到该自定义属性时要使用的逻辑。在这里,该逻辑指示 Angular 实例化这个模板引用。

    In the previous step, you added an ng-template element with a custom attribute, appExampleZippyDirective. This code provides the logic that Angular will use when it encounters that custom attribute. In this case, that logic instructs Angular to instantiate a template reference.

  6. 在你要将内容投影到的组件中,使用 @ContentChild 获取此投影内容的模板。

    In the component you want to project content into, use @ContentChild to get the template of the project content.

          @ContentChild(ZippyContentDirective) content: ZippyContentDirective;

    在执行此步骤之前,你的应用具有一个组件,它会在满足某些条件时实例化此模板。你还创建了一个指令,该指令能提供对该模板的引用。在最后一步中,@ContentChild 装饰器指示 Angular 实例化指定组件中的模板。

    Prior to this step, your application has a component that instantiates a template when certain conditions are met. You've also created a directive that provides a reference to that template. In this last step, the @ContentChild decorator instructs Angular to instantiate the template in the designated component.

    如果是多插槽内容投影,则可以使用 @ContentChildren 获取投影元素的查询列表(QueryList)。

    In the case of multi-slot content projection, you can use @ContentChildren to get a QueryList of projected elements.


Projecting content in more complex environments

多插槽内容投影中所述,你通常会使用属性、元素、CSS 类或这三者的某种组合来标识将内容投影到何处。例如,在以下 HTML 模板中,p 标签会使用自定义属性 question 将内容投影到 app-zippy-multislot 组件中。

As described in Multi-slot Content Projection, you typically use either an attribute, element, CSS Class, or some combination of all three to identify where to project your content. For example, in the following HTML template, a paragraph tag uses a custom attribute, question, to project content into the app-zippy-multislot component.

  <p question>
    Is content projection cool?
  <p>Let's learn about content projection!</p>

在某些情况下,你可能希望将内容投影为其他元素。例如,你要投影的内容可能是另一个元素的子元素。你可以用 ngProjectAs 属性来完成此操作。

In some cases, you might want to project content as a different element. For example, the content you want to project might be a child of another element. You can accomplish this by using the ngProjectAs attribute.

例如,考虑以下 HTML 代码段:

For instance, consider the following HTML snippet:

      <ng-container ngProjectAs="question">
  <p>Is content projection cool?</p>

本示例使用 ng-container 属性来模拟将组件投影到更复杂的结构中。

This example uses an ng-container attribute to simulate projecting a component into a more complex structure.


ng-container 元素是一个逻辑结构,可用于对其他 DOM 元素进行分组;但是,ng-container 本身未在 DOM 树中渲染。

The ng-container element is a logical construct that you can use to group other DOM elements; however, the ng-container itself is not rendered in the DOM tree.

在这个例子中,我们要投影的内容位于另一个元素内。为了按预期方式投影此内容,此模板使用了 ngProjectAs 属性。有了 ngProjectAs,就可以用 question 选择器将整个 ng-container 元素投影到组件中。

In this example, the content we want to project resides inside another element. To project this content as intended, the template uses the ngProjectAs attribute. With ngProjectAs, the entire ng-container element is projected into a component using the question selector.