
Attribute 绑定、类绑定和样式绑定

Attribute, class, and style bindings

Angular 中的 Attribute 绑定可帮助你直接设置 Attribute 值。使用 Attribute 绑定,你可以提升无障碍性、动态设置应用程序样式以及同时管理多个 CSS 类或样式。

Attribute binding in Angular helps you set values for attributes directly. With attribute binding, you can improve accessibility, style your application dynamically, and manage multiple CSS classes or styles simultaneously.

包含本指南中的代码片段的可工作示例,请参阅现场演练 / 下载范例

See the现场演练 / 下载范例for a working example containing the code snippets in this guide.

绑定到 Attribute

Binding to an attribute

建议你尽可能设置带有 Property 绑定的元素的 Property。但是,有时你没有可绑定的元素 Property。在这种情况下,可以使用 Attribute 绑定。

It is recommended that you set an element property with a property binding whenever possible. However, sometimes you don't have an element property to bind. In those situations, you can use attribute binding.

例如,ARIASVG 只有 Attribute。 ARIA 和 SVG 都不对应于元素的 Property,也不设置元素的 Property。在这些情况下,必须使用 Attribute 绑定,因为没有相应的目标 Property。

For example, ARIA and SVG are purely attributes. Neither ARIA nor SVG correspond to element properties and don't set element properties. In these cases, you must use attribute binding because there are no corresponding property targets.



Attribute 绑定语法类似于 Property 绑定,但不是直接在方括号之间放置元素的 Property,而是在 Attribute 名称前面加上前缀 attr,后跟一个点 .。然后,使用解析为字符串的表达式设置 Attribute 值。

Attribute binding syntax resembles property binding, but instead of an element property between brackets, you precede the name of the attribute with the prefix attr, followed by a dot. Then, you set the attribute value with an expression that resolves to a string.

      <p [attr.attribute-you-are-targeting]="expression"></p>

当表达式解析为 nullundefined 时,Angular 会完全删除该 Attribute。

When the expression resolves to null or undefined, Angular removes the attribute altogether.

绑定 ARIA Attribute

Binding ARIA attributes

Attribute 绑定的主要用例之一是设置 ARIA Attribute,如下所示:

One of the primary use cases for attribute binding is to set ARIA attributes, as in this example:

      <!-- create and set an aria attribute for assistive technology -->
<button [attr.aria-label]="actionName">{{actionName}} with Aria</button>

绑定到 colspan

Binding to colspan

Attribute 绑定的另一个常见用例是绑定到表格中的 colspan Attribute。colspan Attribute 可帮助你以编程方式让表格保持动态。根据应用中用来填充表的数据量,某一行要跨越的列数可能会发生变化。

Another common use case for attribute binding is with the colspan attribute in tables. Binding to the colspan attribute helps you keep your tables programmatically dynamic. Depending on the amount of data that your application populates a table with, the number of columns that a row spans could change.

要将 Attribute 绑定到 <td>colspan Attribute:

To use attribute binding with the <td> attribute colspan:

  1. 使用以下语法指定 colspan[attr.colspan]

    Specify the colspan attribute by using the following syntax: [attr.colspan].

  2. [attr.colspan] 设置为等于某个表达式。

    Set [attr.colspan] equal to an expression.

在下面的示例中,我们将 colspan Attribute 绑定到表达式 1 + 1

In the following example, we bind the colspan attribute to the expression 1 + 1.

      <!--  expression calculates colspan=2 -->
<tr><td [attr.colspan]="1 + 1">One-Two</td></tr>

此绑定会导致 <tr> 跨越两列。

This binding causes the <tr> to span two columns.

有时,Property 名和 Attribute 名之间存在差异。

Sometimes there are differences between the name of property and an attribute.

colspan<tr> 的 Attribute,而 colSpan(注意 “S” 是大写)是 Property。使用 Attribute 绑定时,请使用带小写 “s” 的 colspan。有关如何绑定到 colSpan Property 的更多信息,请参见 Property 绑定 中的 colspancolSpan部分。

colspan is an attribute of <tr>, while colSpan with a capital "S" is a property. When using attribute binding, use colspan with a lowercase "s". For more information on how to bind to the colSpan property, see the colspan and colSpansection of Property Binding.

绑定到 class Attribute

Binding to the class attribute

你可以使用类绑定从元素的 class Attribute 中添加和删除 CSS 类名称。

You can use class binding to add and remove CSS class names from an element's class attribute.

绑定到单个 CSS class

Binding to a single CSS class

要创建单个类绑定,请使用前缀 class 后跟一个点和 CSS 类的名称,例如 [class.sale]="onSale"onSale 为真值时添加类,在表达式为假值时(undefined 除外)删除类。欲知详情,请参见样式委托部分。

To create a single class binding, use the prefix class followed by a dot and the name of the CSS class—for example, [class.sale]="onSale". Angular adds the class when the bound expression, onSale is truthy, and it removes the class when the expression is falsy—with the exception of undefined. See styling delegation for more information.

绑定到多个 CSS 类

Binding to multiple CSS classes

要绑定到多个类,请使用 [class] 来设置表达式 - 例如,[class]="classExpression",此表达式可以取如下值:

To bind to multiple classes, use [class] set to an expression—for example, [class]="classExpression". The expression can be one of:

  • 用空格分隔的类名字符串

    A space-delimited string of class names.

  • 以类名作为键名并将真或假表达式作为值的对象。

    An object with class names as the keys and truthy or falsy expressions as the values.

  • 类名的数组。

    An array of class names.

对于对象格式,Angular 会在其关联的值为真时才添加类。

With the object format, Angular adds a class only if its associated value is truthy.

对于任何类似对象的表达式(例如 objectArrayMapSet,必须更改对象的引用,Angular 才能更新类列表。在不更改对象引用的情况下只更新其 Attribute 是不会生效的。

With any object-like expression—such as object, Array, Map, or Set—the identity of the object must change for Angular to update the class list. Updating the property without changing object identity has no effect.

如果同一类名有多个绑定,Angular 会根据样式优先级来确定要使用的绑定。

If there are multiple bindings to the same class name, Angular uses styling precedence to determine which binding to use.


The following table summarizes class binding syntax.


Binding Type




Input Type


Example Input Values


Single class binding

[class.sale]="onSale"boolean | undefined | nulltrue, false


Multi-class binding

[class]="classExpression"string"my-class-1 my-class-2 my-class-3"
Record<string, boolean | undefined | null>{foo: true, bar: false}
Array<string>['foo', 'bar']

绑定到 style Attribute

Binding to the style attribute


You can use style binding to set styles dynamically.


Binding to a single style

要创建对单个样式的绑定,请使用前缀 style 后跟一个点和 CSS style Attribute 的名称,例如 [style.width]="width"。 Angular 会将该 Attribute 设置为绑定表达式的值,这个值通常是一个字符串。(可选)你还可以添加单位扩展,例如 em% ,它的值需要数字类型。

To create a single style binding, use the prefix style followed by a dot and the name of the CSS style property—for example, [style.width]="width". Angular sets the property to the value of the bound expression, which is usually a string. Optionally, you can add a unit extension like em or %, which requires a number type.

你可以用中线格式camelCase 格式编写样式 Attribute 名。

You can write a style property name in either dash-case, or camelCase.

      <nav [style.background-color]="expression"></nav>

<nav [style.backgroundColor]="expression"></nav>


Binding to multiple styles

要切换多个样式,请绑定到 [style] Attribute,例如 [style]="styleExpression"styleExpression 可以是如下格式之一:

To toggle multiple styles, bind to the [style] attribute—for example, [style]="styleExpression". The styleExpression can be one of:

  • 样式的字符串列表,例如 "width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: cornflowerblue;"

    A string list of styles such as "width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: cornflowerblue;".

  • 一个对象,其键名是样式名,其值是样式值,比如 {width: '100px', height: '100px', backgroundColor: 'cornflowerblue'}

    An object with style names as the keys and style values as the values, such as {width: '100px', height: '100px', backgroundColor: 'cornflowerblue'}.

注意,不支持把数组绑定给 [style]

Note that binding an array to [style] is not supported.

当把 [style] 绑定到对象表达式时,该对象的引用必须改变,这样 Angular 才能更新这个类列表。在不改变对象引用的情况下更新其属性值是不会生效的。

When binding [style] to an object expression, the identity of the object must change for Angular to update the class list. Updating the property without changing object identity has no effect.


Single and multiple-style binding example

  selector: 'app-nav-bar',
  template: `
<nav [style]='navStyle'>
  <a [style.text-decoration]="activeLinkStyle">Home Page</a>
  <a [style.text-decoration]="linkStyle">Login</a>
export class NavBarComponent {
  navStyle = 'font-size: 1.2rem; color: cornflowerblue;';
  linkStyle = 'underline';
  activeLinkStyle = 'overline';
  /* . . . */

如果同一个样式 Attribute 有多个绑定,Angular 将使用样式优先级来确定要使用的绑定。

If there are multiple bindings to the same style attribute, Angular uses styling precedence to determine which binding to use.


The following table summarizes style binding syntax.


Binding Type




Input Type


Example Input Values


Single style binding

[style.width]="width"string | undefined | null"100px"


Single style binding with units

[style.width.px]="width"number | undefined | null100


Multi-style binding

[style]="styleExpression"string"width: 100px; height: 100px"
Record<string, string | undefined | null>{width: '100px', height: '100px'}

NgStyle指令可以用作代替直接绑定 [style] 的方法。但是,最好使用上述不用 NgStyle 的绑定语法,因为由于 Angular 中样式绑定的改进,NgStyle 不再提供显著价值,将来可能会被删除。

The NgStyle directive can be used as an alternative to direct [style] bindings. However, using the above style binding syntax without NgStyle is preferred because due to improvements in style binding in Angular, NgStyle no longer provides significant value, and might eventually be removed in the future.


Styling Precedence

一个 HTML 元素可以将其 CSS 类列表和样式值绑定到多个源(例如,来自多个指令的宿主绑定)。

A single HTML element can have its CSS class list and style values bound to multiple sources (for example, host bindings from multiple directives).

当有多个到相同的类名或样式属性的绑定时,Angular 使用一组优先规则来解决冲突并确定最终将哪些类或样式应用于元素。

When there are multiple bindings to the same class name or style property, Angular uses a set of precedence rules to resolve conflicts and determine which classes or styles are ultimately applied to the element.


Styling precedence (highest to lowest)

  1. 模板绑定

    Template bindings

    1. 属性绑定(例如,<div [class.foo]="hasFoo"><div [style.color]="color">

      Property binding (for example, <div [class.foo]="hasFoo"> or <div [style.color]="color">)

    2. 映射表绑定(例如,<div [class]="classExpr"><div [style]="styleExpr">

      Map binding (for example, <div [class]="classExpr"> or <div [style]="styleExpr">)

    3. 静态值(例如 <div class="foo"><div style="color: blue">

      Static value (for example, <div class="foo"> or <div style="color: blue">)

  2. 指令宿主绑定

    Directive host bindings

    1. 属性绑定(例如,host: {'[class.foo]': 'hasFoo'}host: {'[style.color]': 'color'}

      Property binding (for example, host: {'[class.foo]': 'hasFoo'} or host: {'[style.color]': 'color'})

    2. 映射表绑定(例如,host: {'[class]': 'classExpr'}host: {'[style]': 'styleExpr'}

      Map binding (for example, host: {'[class]': 'classExpr'} or host: {'[style]': 'styleExpr'})

    3. 静态值(例如,host: {'class': 'foo'}host: {'style': 'color: blue'}

      Static value (for example, host: {'class': 'foo'} or host: {'style': 'color: blue'})

  3. 组件宿主绑定

    Component host bindings

    1. 属性绑定(例如,host: {'[class.foo]': 'hasFoo'}host: {'[style.color]': 'color'}

      Property binding (for example, host: {'[class.foo]': 'hasFoo'} or host: {'[style.color]': 'color'})

    2. 映射表绑定(例如,host: {'[class]': 'classExpr'}host: {'[style]': 'styleExpr'}

      Map binding (for example, host: {'[class]': 'classExpr'} or host: {'[style]': 'styleExpr'})

    3. 静态值(例如,host: {'class': 'foo'}host: {'style': 'color: blue'}

      Static value (for example, host: {'class': 'foo'} or host: {'style': 'color: blue'})


The more specific a class or style binding is, the higher its precedence.

绑定到具体类(例如 [class.foo] )将优先于不特定 [class] 的绑定,并且绑定到特定样式(例如 [style.bar] )将优先于不特定 [style] 的绑定。

A binding to a specific class (for example, [class.foo]) will take precedence over a generic [class] binding, and a binding to a specific style (for example, [style.bar]) will take precedence over a generic [style] binding.

      <h3>Basic specificity</h3>

<!-- The `class.special` binding overrides any value for the `special` class in `classExpression`.  -->
<div [class.special]="isSpecial" [class]="classExpression">Some text.</div>

<!-- The `style.color` binding overrides any value for the `color` property in `styleExpression`.  -->
<div [style.color]="color" [style]="styleExpression">Some text.</div>


Specificity rules also apply when it comes to bindings that originate from different sources. It's possible for an element to have bindings in the template where it's declared, from host bindings on matched directives, and from host bindings on matched components.


Template bindings are the most specific because they apply to the element directly and exclusively, so they have the highest precedence.


Directive host bindings are considered less specific because directives can be used in multiple locations, so they have a lower precedence than template bindings.


Directives often augment component behavior, so host bindings from components have the lowest precedence.

      <h3>Source specificity</h3>

<!-- The `class.special` template binding overrides any host binding to the `special` class set by `dirWithClassBinding` or `comp-with-host-binding`.-->
<comp-with-host-binding [class.special]="isSpecial" dirWithClassBinding>Some text.</comp-with-host-binding>

<!-- The `style.color` template binding overrides any host binding to the `color` property set by `dirWithStyleBinding` or `comp-with-host-binding`. -->
<comp-with-host-binding [style.color]="color" dirWithStyleBinding>Some text.</comp-with-host-binding>


In addition, bindings take precedence over static attributes.

在这里,class[class] 具有相似的特异性,但是 [class] 绑定更优先一些,因为它是动态的。

In the following case, class and [class] have similar specificity, but the [class] binding will take precedence because it is dynamic.

      <h3>Dynamic vs static</h3>

<!-- If `classExpression` has a value for the `special` class, this value overrides the `class="special"` below -->
<div class="special" [class]="classExpression">Some text.</div>

<!-- If `styleExpression` has a value for the `color` property, this value overrides the `style="color: blue"` below -->
<div style="color: blue" [style]="styleExpression">Some text.</div>


Delegating to styles with lower precedence

可以用 undefined 值来把高优先级的样式“委托”给较低优先级的样式。将样式属性设置为 null 可以确保样式被删除,而将其设置为 undefined 将导致 Angular 回退到该样式的次高优先级绑定。

It is possible for higher precedence styles to "delegate" to lower precedence styles using undefined values. Whereas setting a style property to null ensures the style is removed, setting it to undefined will cause Angular to fall back to the next-highest precedence binding to that style.


For example, consider the following template:

      <comp-with-host-binding dirWithHostBinding></comp-with-host-binding>

假设 dirWithHostBinding 指令和 comp-with-host-binding 组件都具有 [style.width] 宿主绑定。在这里,如果 dirWithHostBinding 将其绑定设置为 undefined ,则 width 属性将回退到 comp-with-host-binding 宿主绑定的值。但是,如果 dirWithHostBinding 将其绑定设置为 null ,则会完全删除 width

Imagine that the dirWithHostBinding directive and the comp-with-host-binding component both have a [style.width] host binding. In that case, if dirWithHostBinding sets its binding to undefined, the width property will fall back to the value of the comp-with-host-binding host binding. However, if dirWithHostBinding sets its binding to null, the width property will be removed entirely.


Injecting attribute values

在某些情况下,你需要根据在 host 元素上以 HTML 属性的形式设置的静态值来区分组件指令的行为。例如,你可能有一个指令,需要知道 <button><input> 元素的 type 值。

There are cases where you need to differentiate the behavior of a Component or Directive based on a static value set on the host element as an HTML attribute. For example, you might have a directive that needs to know the type of a <button> or <input> element.

Attribute参数装饰器非常适合通过依赖注入来将 HTML 属性的值传递给组件/指令构造函数。

The Attribute parameter decorator is great for passing the value of an HTML attribute to a component/directive constructor via dependency injection.

这里注入的值将捕获指定 HTML 属性的当前值。将来对属性值的修改不会反映到注入的值中。

The injected value captures the value of the specified HTML attribute at that moment. Future updates to the attribute value are not reflected in the injected value.

      import { Attribute, Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-input-with-attribute-decorator',
  template: 'The type of the input is: {{ type }}'
export class MyInputWithAttributeDecoratorComponent {
  constructor(@Attribute('type') public type: string) { }
      <app-my-input-with-attribute-decorator type="number"></app-my-input-with-attribute-decorator>

在前面的示例中,app.component.html的结果为:The type of the input is: number

In the preceding example, the result of app.component.html is The type of the input is: number.

另一个示例是RouterOutlet指令,该指令利用 Attribute 装饰器检索每个路由插座上的唯一名称。

Another example is the RouterOutlet directive, which makes use of the Attribute decorator to retrieve the unique name on each outlet.

@Attribute() vs @Input()

请记住,要持续跟踪 Attribute 的值并更新关联的 Property 时,请使用 @Input()。若要将 HTML 属性的值注入到组件或指令的构造函数中,请使用@Attribute()

Remember, use @Input() when you want to keep track of the attribute value and update the associated property. Use @Attribute() when you want to inject the value of an HTML attribute to a component or directive constructor.