
Angular 编译器选项

Angular compiler options

使用 AoT 编译 时,可以通过在 TypeScript 配置文件中指定模板编译器选项来控制如何编译应用程序。

When you use AOT compilation, you can control how your application is compiled by specifying template compiler options in the TypeScript configuration file.

模板选项对象 angularCompilerOptions 和为 TypeScript 编译器提供标准选项的 compilerOptions 对象是兄弟。

The template options object, angularCompilerOptions, is a sibling to the compilerOptions object that supplies standard options to the TypeScript compiler.

    "compilerOptions": {
      "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "angularCompilerOptions": {
      "fullTemplateTypeCheck": true,
      "preserveWhitespaces": true,

extends 语法配置继承方式

Configuration inheritance with extends

像 TypeScript 编译器一样,Angular 的 AOT 编译器也支持对 TypeScript 配置文件中的 angularCompilerOptions 进行 extendsextends 属性位于顶层,和 compilerOptionsangularCompilerOptions 平级。

Like the TypeScript compiler, The Angular AOT compiler also supports extends in the angularCompilerOptions section of the TypeScript configuration file. The extends property is at the top level, parallel to compilerOptions and angularCompilerOptions.

使用 extends 属性,TypeScript 配置可以从另一个文件中继承设置。首先从基础文件中加载配置项,然后被继承自它的配置文件中的配置项覆写。

A TypeScript configuration can inherit settings from another file using the extends property. The configuration options from the base file are loaded first, then overridden by those in the inheriting configuration file.


For example:

  "extends": "../tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
  "angularCompilerOptions": {
    "fullTemplateTypeCheck": true,
    "preserveWhitespaces": true,

欲知详情,请参阅 TypeScript 手册

For more information, see the TypeScript Handbook.


Template options

以下选项可用于配置 AoT 模板编译器。

The following options are available for configuring the AOT template compiler.


如果为 true,则生成所有可能的文件 —— 即使它们为空。默认值为 false。Bazel 的构建规则使用它来简化 Bazel 规则跟踪文件依赖性的方式。不要在 Bazel 规则之外使用此选项。

When true, generate all possible files even if they are empty. Default is false. Used by the Bazel build rules to simplify how Bazel rules track file dependencies. Do not use this option outside of the Bazel rules.


修改 Angular 专有注解的生成方式,以改善摇树优化。非 Angular 注解不受影响。可选值为 static fields(默认值)或 decorators

Modifies how Angular-specific annotations are emitted to improve tree-shaking. Non-Angular annotations are not affected. One of static fields (the default) or decorators.

  • 默认情况下,编译器会用类中的静态字段替换装饰器,这允许像 Closure 编译器这样的高级摇树器删除未使用的类。

    By default, the compiler replaces decorators with a static field in the class, which allows advanced tree-shakers like Closure compiler to remove unused classes.

  • decorators 值会将装饰器保留在原处,这将使编译速度更快。TypeScript 会生成对辅助器 __decorate 的调用。使用 --emitDecoratorMetadata 进行运行时反射(但请注意,生成的代码将无法正确摇树)。

    The decorators value leaves the decorators in place, which makes compilation faster. TypeScript emits calls to the__decorate helper. Use --emitDecoratorMetadata for runtime reflection (but note that the resulting code will not properly tree-shake.


如果为 true,则使用 Tsickle 来用 JSDoc 对生成的 JavaScript 代码进行注解,这些注释是供 Closure 编译器 使用的。默认值为 false

When true, use Tsickle to annotate the emitted JavaScript with JSDoc comments needed by the Closure Compiler. Default is false.



Specifies the compilation mode to use. The following modes are available:

  • 'full':根据当前使用的 Angular 版本生成完全 AOT 编译的代码。

    'full': generates fully AOT-compiled code according to the version of Angular that is currently being used.

  • 'partial':生成稳定的中间代码,适用于已发布的库。

    'partial': generates code in a stable, but intermediate form suitable for a published library.

默认值为 'full'

The default value is 'full'.


如果为 true(默认值),则转换在注解中使用或允许使用的代码,以允许从模板的工厂模块导入代码。欲知详情,请参阅元数据重写

When true (the default), transforms code that is or could be used in an annotation, to allow it to be imported from template factory modules. See metadata rewriting for more information.

如果为 false,则禁用此重写,你必须手动进行重写。

When false, disables this rewriting, requiring the rewriting to be done manually.


如果为 true,则在使用不受支持的 TypeScript 版本时,编译器不会检查 TypeScript 版本,并且不会报错。不建议使用,因为不受支持的 TypeScript 版本可能具有未定义的行为。默认值为 false

When true, the compiler does not check the TypeScript version and does not report an error when an unsupported version of TypeScript is used. Not recommended, as unsupported versions of TypeScript might have undefined behavior. Default is false.


指示 Angular 模板编译器为模板中用 i18n 属性标出的消息生成旧版 ID。关于为本地化而对消息进行标记的更多信息,请参阅本地化你的应用程序。

Instructs the Angular template compiler to generate legacy ids for messages that are tagged in templates by the i18n attribute. See Localizing your app for more information about marking messages for localization.

除非你的项目依赖先前已用旧版 ID 生成的翻译,否则请将此选项设置为 false。默认值为 true

Set this option to false unless your project relies upon translations that were previously generated using legacy ids. Default is true.

Ivy 之前版本的消息提取工具为所提取的消息 id 生成了多种旧格式。这些消息格式存在许多问题,例如对空白字符的处理和对模板原始 HTML 内部信息的依赖。

The pre-Ivy message extraction tooling generated a variety of legacy formats for extracted message ids. These message formats have a number of issues, such as whitespace handling and reliance upon information inside the original HTML of a template.

新的消息格式对空白字符的改动更宽容,在所有翻译文件格式中都相同,并且可以直接通过调用 $localize 生成。这允许应用程序代码中的 $localize 消息使用与组件模板中 i18n 消息完全相同的 id。

The new message format is more resilient to whitespace changes, is the same across all translation file formats, and can be generated directly from calls to $localize. This allows $localize messages in application code to use the same id as identical i18n messages in component templates.


启用 Ivy 编译和渲染管道。从版本 9 开始,默认值为 true。在版本 9 中,你可以选择不用 Ivy 而是继续使用以前的编译器 View Engine。

Enables the Ivy compilation and rendering pipeline. Default is true, as of version 9. In version 9, you can opt out of Ivy to continue using the previous compiler, View Engine.

对于使用 CLI 生成的项目,prod 配置默认在版本 9 中为 false

For library projects generated with the CLI, the prod configuration default is false in version 9.


当为 true 时,将所有 @Component 装饰器中的 templateUrlstyleUrls 属性替换为 templatestyles 属性中的内联内容。

When true, replaces the templateUrl and styleUrls property in all @Component decorators with inlined contents in template and styles properties.

启用后,ngc.js 输出不会包含任何惰性加载的模板或样式 URL。

When enabled, the .js output of ngc does not include any lazy-loaded template or style URLs.

对于使用 CLI 生成的库项目,dev 配置下默认为 true

For library projects generated with the CLI, the dev configuration default is true.


如果为 true,则启用 Angular 4.0 中为了避免与同名的 DOM 元素冲突而不推荐使用的 <template> 元素(推荐改用 <ng-template>)。默认值为 false。某些第三方 Angular 库可能需要它。

When true, enables use of the <template> element, which was deprecated in Angular 4.0, in favor of <ng-template> (to avoid colliding with the DOM's element of the same name). Default is false. Might be required by some third-party Angular libraries.


用于导入扁平模块的模块 ID(当 flatModuleOutFiletrue 时)。从扁平模块中导入符号时,模板编译器生成的引用将使用该模块的名称。如果 flatModuleOutFilefalse 则忽略。

The module ID to use for importing a flat module (when flatModuleOutFile is true). References generated by the template compiler use this module name when importing symbols from the flat module. Ignored if flatModuleOutFile is false.


true 时,将生成指定文件名和相应扁平模块元数据的扁平模块索引。用于创建像 @angular/core@angular/common 这样打包的扁平模块。使用此选项时,库的 package.json 应引用生成的扁平模块索引而不是库的索引文件。

When true, generates a flat module index of the given file name and the corresponding flat module metadata. Use to create flat modules that are packaged similarly to @angular/core and @angular/common. When this option is used, the package.json for the library should refer to the generated flat module index instead of the library index file.

它只会生成一个 .metadata.json 文件,该文件包含从库索引中导出的符号所需的全部元数据。在生成的 .ngfactory.js 文件中,扁平模块索引用于导入符号,这些符号既包括库索引中的公共 API,也包括缩进的内部符号。

Produces only one .metadata.json file, which contains all the metadata necessary for symbols exported from the library index. In the generated .ngfactory.js files, the flat module index is used to import symbols that include both the public API from the library index as well as shrowded internal symbols.

默认情况下,files 字段中提供的 .ts 文件会被当做库索引。如果指定了多个 .ts 文件,则使用 libraryIndex 选择要使用的文件。如果提供了多个不带 libraryIndex .ts 文件,则会产生错误。

By default the .ts file supplied in the files field is assumed to be the library index. If more than one .ts file is specified, libraryIndex is used to select the file to use. If more than one .ts file is supplied without a libraryIndex, an error is produced.

使用指定的 flatModuleOutFile 名在与库索引 .d.ts 文件相同的位置创建扁平模块索引 .d.ts.js

A flat module index .d.ts and .js is created with the given flatModuleOutFile name in the same location as the library index .d.ts file.

例如,如果一个库使用 public_api.ts 文件作为模块的库索引,则 tsconfig.jsonfiles 字段就是 ["public_api.ts"]。然后,比如把 flatModuleOutFile 选项设置为 "index.js",这将生成 index.d.tsindex.metadata.json 文件。该库的 package.jsonmodule 字段中就会是 "index.js",而 typings 字段将是 "index.d.ts"

For example, if a library uses the public_api.ts file as the library index of the module, the tsconfig.json files field would be ["public_api.ts"]. The flatModuleOutFile option could then be set to (for example) "index.js", which produces index.d.ts and index.metadata.json files. The module field of the library's package.json would be "index.js" and the typings field would be "index.d.ts".


true(推荐)时,会启用模板编译器的绑定表达式验证阶段,该阶段使用 TypeScript 来验证绑定表达式。欲知详情,请参阅模板类型检查

When true (recommended), enables the binding expression validation phase of the template compiler, which uses TypeScript to validate binding expressions. For more information, see Template type checking.

默认值为 false,但是当你使用 CLI 命令 ng new --strict 时,默认生成的项目配置中会将其设置为 true

Default is false, but when you use the CLI command ng new --strict, it is set to true in the generated project's configuration.


如果为 true(默认值),就会为 .d.ts 和相应的 .metadata.json 生成工厂文件(.ngfactory.js.ngstyle.js)。

When true (the default), generates factory files (.ngfactory.js and .ngstyle.js) for .d.ts files with a corresponding .metadata.json file.

如果为 false,则仅为 .ts 文件生成工厂文件。当要使用工厂摘要(summary)时,请这么设置。

When false, factory files are generated only for .ts files. Do this when using factory summaries.


如果为 false(默认值),则从编译的模板中删除空白文本节点,这将生成较小的模板工厂模块。设置为 true 以保留空白文本节点。

When false (the default), removes blank text nodes from compiled templates, which results in smaller emitted template factory modules. Set to true to preserve blank text nodes.


true 时,不生成 .metadata.json 文件。默认值为 false

When true, does not produce .metadata.json files. Default is false.

.metadata.json 文件包含模板编译器从 .ts 文件中获得的信息,该信息未包含在 TypeScript 编译器生成的 .d.ts 文件中。该信息包括注解的内容(例如组件的模板)等,TypeScript 会将该注解的内容发送到 .js 文件中,但不会发送到 .d.ts 文件。

The .metadata.json files contain information needed by the template compiler from a .ts file that is not included in the .d.ts file produced by the TypeScript compiler. This information includes, for example, the content of annotations (such as a component's template), which TypeScript emits to the .js file but not to the .d.ts file.

你可以在使用工厂摘要(summary)中将其设置为 true,因为工厂摘要中包括 .metadata.json 文件中信息的副本。

You can set to true when using factory summaries, because the factory summaries include a copy of the information that is in the .metadata.json file.

如果要使用 TypeScript 的 --outFile 选项,则设置为 true,因为元数据文件对于这种 TypeScript 输出风格无效。但是,我们不建议将 --outFile 和 Angular 一起使用。请使用打包程序,例如 webpack

Set to true if you are using TypeScript's --outFile option, because the metadata files are not valid for this style of TypeScript output. However, we do not recommend using --outFile with Angular. Use a bundler, such as webpack, instead.


true 时,不生成 .ngfactory.js.ngstyle.js 文件。这将关闭大多数模板编译器,并禁用模板诊断报告。

When true, does not emit .ngfactory.js and .ngstyle.js files. This turns off most of the template compiler and disables the reporting of template diagnostics.

可用于指示模板编译器生成 .metadata.json 文件,以使用 npm 软件包进行分发,同时避免产生无法分发至 npm.ngfactory.js.ngstyle.js 文件。

Can be used to instruct the template compiler to produce .metadata.json files for distribution with an npm package while avoiding the production of .ngfactory.js and .ngstyle.js files that cannot be distributed to npm.

对于使用 CLI 生成的库项目,dev 配置默认为 true

For library projects generated with the CLI, the dev configuration default is true.


true 时,如果 "skipMetadataEmit"false 则向 .metadata.json 文件中报告错误。默认值为 false。只在 "skipMetadataEmit"false"skipTemplateCodegen"true 时使用。

When true, reports an error to the .metadata.json file if "skipMetadataEmit" is false. Default is false. Use only when "skipMetadataEmit" is false and "skipTemplateCodegen" is true.

该选项是为了验证为生成 npm 包而产生的 .metadata.json 文件。这种验证是严格的,并且会报告元数据中的错误,以免当模板编译器使用它时再出错。你可以通过在某个导出符号的注释文档中使用 @dynamic 注解来暂时防止(suppress)该选项报告错误。

This option is intended to validate the .metadata.json files emitted for bundling with an npm package. The validation is strict and can emit errors for metadata that would never produce an error when used by the template compiler. You can choose to suppress the error emitted by this option for an exported symbol by including @dynamic in the comment documenting the symbol.

.metadata.json 文件即使包含错误也是有效的。如果这些元数据用来确定注解的内容,则模板编译器会报告这些错误。元数据收集器无法预测哪些符号是为了在注解中使用而设计,因此它会先在元数据中为导出的符号中包含错误节点。然后,如果使用了这些符号,则模板编译器可以使用这些错误节点来报告错误。

It is valid for .metadata.json files to contain errors. The template compiler reports these errors if the metadata is used to determine the contents of an annotation. The metadata collector cannot predict the symbols that are designed for use in an annotation, so it preemptively includes error nodes in the metadata for the exported symbols. The template compiler can then use the error nodes to report an error if these symbols are used.

如果库的客户代码打算在注解中使用某个符号,则模板编译器通常不会在客户方用到该符号之前就报错。此选项允许你在库的构建阶段就检测到这些错误,例如用于生成 Angular 库本身时。

If the client of a library intends to use a symbol in an annotation, the template compiler does not normally report this until the client uses the symbol. This option allows detection of these errors during the build phase of the library and is used, for example, in producing Angular libraries themselves.

对于使用 CLI 生成的库项目,dev 配置中默认为 true

For library projects generated with the CLI, the dev configuration default is true.


如果为 true(推荐),则报告所提供的参数的错误,无法确定该参数的注入类型。如果为 false(当前为默认值),则标记为 @Injectable 但其类型无法解析的类的构造函数参数会产生警告。

When true (recommended), reports an error for a supplied parameter whose injection type cannot be determined. When false (currently the default), constructor parameters of classes marked with @Injectable whose type cannot be resolved produce a warning.

当你使用 CLI 命令 ng new 时,默认生成的项目配置中将其设置为 true

When you use the CLI command ng new --strict, it is set to true in the generated project's configuration.


如果为 true,则在 Angular 9 中启用严格的模板类型检查。仅当使用 Ivy 时,才能使用严格模式。

When true, enables strict template type checking. Strict mode is only available when using Ivy (Angular version 9 and later).


Additional strictness flags allow you to enable and disable specific types of strict template type checking. See troubleshooting template errors.

当你使用 CLI 命令 ng new --strict 时,默认生成的项目配置中将其设置为 true

When you use the CLI command ng new --strict, it is set to true in the generated project's configuration.


如果为 true,则在编译模板时输出额外的信息。默认值为 false

When true, prints extra information while compiling templates. Default is false.