

本选项用来修改 Router 的 URL。向 Router 导航功能提供包含任何这些属性的对象,以控制应如何构造目标 URL。

Options that modify the Router URL. Supply an object containing any of these properties to a Router navigation function to control how the target URL should be constructed.

      interface UrlCreationOptions {
  relativeTo?: ActivatedRoute | null
  queryParams?: Params | null
  fragment?: string
  queryParamsHandling?: QueryParamsHandling | null
  preserveFragment?: boolean



relativeTo?: ActivatedRoute | null


Specifies a root URI to use for relative navigation.

比如,考虑下列路由器配置,parent 路由拥有两个子路由。

For example, consider the following route configuration where the parent route has two children.

  path: 'parent',
  component: ParentComponent,
  children: [{
    path: 'list',
    component: ListComponent
    path: 'child',
    component: ChildComponent

下面的 go() 函数会把目标 URI 解释为相对于已激活路由 child 的,从而导航到 list 路由。

The following go() function navigates to the list route by interpreting the destination URI as relative to the activated child route

class ChildComponent {
  constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute) {}

  go() {
    this.router.navigate(['../list'], { relativeTo: this.route });

A value of null or undefined indicates that the navigation commands should be applied relative to the root.

queryParams?: Params | null

设置 URL 的查询参数。

Sets query parameters to the URL.

      // Navigate to /results?page=1
this.router.navigate(['/results'], { queryParams: { page: 1 } });
fragment?: string

设置 URL 的哈希片段(#)。

Sets the hash fragment for the URL.

      // Navigate to /results#top
this.router.navigate(['/results'], { fragment: 'top' });
queryParamsHandling?: QueryParamsHandling | null


How to handle query parameters in the router link for the next navigation. One of:

  • preserve :保留当前参数。

    preserve : Preserve current parameters.

  • merge :合并新的当前参数。

    merge : Merge new with current parameters.

“preserve” 选项将放弃所有新的查询参数:

The "preserve" option discards any new query params:

      // from /view1?page=1 to/view2?page=1
this.router.navigate(['/view2'], { queryParams: { page: 2 },  queryParamsHandling: "preserve"

“merge” 选项会将新的查询参数附加到当前 URL 的参数中:

The "merge" option appends new query params to the params from the current URL:

      // from /view1?page=1 to/view2?page=1&otherKey=2
this.router.navigate(['/view2'], { queryParams: { otherKey: 2 },  queryParamsHandling: "merge"

queryParams 对象中的参数之间发生键名冲突,则使用新值。

In case of a key collision between current parameters and those in the queryParams object, the new value is used.

preserveFragment?: boolean

在后续导航时保留 # 片段

When true, preserves the URL fragment for the next navigation

      // Preserve fragment from /results#top to /view#top
this.router.navigate(['/view'], { preserveFragment: true });