


Config object passed to initialize the platform.

      interface PlatformConfig {
  document?: string
  url?: string
  useAbsoluteUrl?: boolean
  baseUrl?: string


document?: string

用于引导服务端应用程序的初始 DOM。

The initial DOM to use to bootstrap the server application.

url?: string

当前应用程序状态的 URL。这用于初始化平台的 location。如果设置了 baseUrl,则将覆盖 protocolhostnameport

The URL for the current application state. This is used for initializing the platform's location. protocol, hostname, and port will be overridden if baseUrl is set.

useAbsoluteUrl?: boolean

是否在 HTTP 请求中将绝对 URL 附加到任何相对 URL 上。如果设置为 true,则此逻辑就会在稍后的请求中运行任何 HTTP 拦截器之前执行。如果启用了此标志,则必须提供 baseUrl

Whether to append the absolute URL to any relative HTTP requests. If set to true, this logic executes prior to any HTTP interceptors that may run later on in the request. baseUrl must be supplied if this flag is enabled.

baseUrl?: string

用于解析 HTTP 请求的绝对 URL 的基本 URL。如果 useAbsoluteUrl 为 true,则必须设置它,并且必须包含协议、主机名和可选端口。如果未启用 useAbsoluteUrl 则此选项无效。

The base URL for resolving absolute URL for HTTP requests. It must be set if useAbsoluteUrl is true, and must consist of protocol, hostname, and optional port. This option has no effect if useAbsoluteUrl is not enabled.