

类构造函数的视图提供者参数上的参数修饰器,用于指示 DI 框架通过检查子元素的注入器来解析视图,并在到达当前组件的宿主元素时停止。

Parameter decorator on a view-provider parameter of a class constructor that tells the DI framework to resolve the view by checking injectors of child elements, and stop when reaching the host element of the current component.



以下显示了与 @Optional 装饰器一起使用的情况,并允许空结果。

The following shows use with the @Optional decorator, and allows for a null result.

      class OtherService {}
class HostService {}

@Directive({selector: 'child-directive'})
class ChildDirective {
  logs: string[] = [];

  constructor(@Optional() @Host() os: OtherService, @Optional() @Host() hs: HostService) {
    // os is null: true
    this.logs.push(`os is null: ${os === null}`);
    // hs is an instance of HostService: true
    this.logs.push(`hs is an instance of HostService: ${hs instanceof HostService}`);

  selector: 'parent-cmp',
  viewProviders: [HostService],
  template: '<child-directive></child-directive>',
class ParentCmp {

  selector: 'app',
  viewProviders: [OtherService],
  template: '<parent-cmp></parent-cmp>',
class App {


For an extended example, see "Dependency Injection Guide".