

表示视图容器中的 Angular 视图嵌入视图可以从在模板中定义它的宿主组件之外的组件中引用,也可以由 TemplateRef 进行独立定义。

Represents an Angular view in a view container. An embedded view can be referenced from a component other than the hosting component whose template defines it, or it can be defined independently by a TemplateRef.


      abstract class EmbeddedViewRef<C> extends ViewRef {
  abstract context: C
  abstract rootNodes: any[]

  // 继承自 core/ViewRef
  abstract destroyed: boolean
  abstract destroy(): void
  abstract onDestroy(callback: Function): any

  // 继承自 core/ChangeDetectorRef
  abstract markForCheck(): void
  abstract detach(): void
  abstract detectChanges(): void
  abstract checkNoChanges(): void
  abstract reattach(): void




Properties of elements in a view can change, but the structure (number and order) of elements in a view cannot. Change the structure of elements by inserting, moving, or removing nested views in a view container.

Further information available in the Usage Notes...


abstract context: C


The context for this view, inherited from the anchor element.

abstract rootNodes: any[]只读


The root nodes for this embedded view.


以下模板分为两个单独的 TemplateRef 实例,一个外部实例和一个内部实例。

The following template breaks down into two separate TemplateRef instances, an outer one and an inner one.

      Count: {{items.length}}
  <li *ngFor="let  item of items">{{item}}</li>

这是外部 TemplateRef

This is the outer TemplateRef:

      Count: {{items.length}}
  <ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items"></ng-template>

这是内部的 TemplateRef

This is the inner TemplateRef:


外部和内部 TemplateRef 实例按如下方式组装到视图中:

The outer and inner TemplateRef instances are assembled into views as follows:

      <!-- ViewRef: outer-0 -->
Count: 2
  <ng-template view-container-ref></ng-template>
  <!-- ViewRef: inner-1 --><li>first</li><!-- /ViewRef: inner-1 -->
  <!-- ViewRef: inner-2 --><li>second</li><!-- /ViewRef: inner-2 -->
<!-- /ViewRef: outer-0 -->