

Transforms a number to a currency string, formatted according to locale rules that determine group sizing and separator, decimal-point character, and other locale-specific configurations.


      {{ value_expression | currency [ : currencyCode [ : display [ : digitsInfo [ : locale ] ] ] ] }}

Exported from


value string | number


currencyCode string
可选. 默认值是 `undefined`.
display string | boolean
可选. 默认值是 `'symbol'`.
digitsInfo string
可选. 默认值是 `undefined`.
locale string
可选. 默认值是 `undefined`.



Deprecation notice:

The default currency code is currently always USD but this is deprecated from v9.

In v11 the default currency code will be taken from the current locale identified by the LOCALE_ID token. See the i18n guide for more information.

If you need the previous behavior then set it by creating a DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE provider in your application NgModule:

      {provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}

Further information available in the Usage Notes...


The following code shows how the pipe transforms numbers into text strings, according to various format specifications, where the caller's default locale is en-US.

  selector: 'currency-pipe',
  template: `<div>
    <!--output '$0.26'-->
    <p>A: {{a | currency}}</p>

    <!--output 'CA$0.26'-->
    <p>A: {{a | currency:'CAD'}}</p>

    <!--output 'CAD0.26'-->
    <p>A: {{a | currency:'CAD':'code'}}</p>

    <!--output 'CA$0,001.35'-->
    <p>B: {{b | currency:'CAD':'symbol':'4.2-2'}}</p>

    <!--output '$0,001.35'-->
    <p>B: {{b | currency:'CAD':'symbol-narrow':'4.2-2'}}</p>

    <!--output '0 001,35 CA$'-->
    <p>B: {{b | currency:'CAD':'symbol':'4.2-2':'fr'}}</p>

    <!--output 'CLP1' because CLP has no cents-->
    <p>B: {{b | currency:'CLP'}}</p>
export class CurrencyPipeComponent {
  a: number = 0.259;
  b: number = 1.3495;